One of the darkest days in the history of the United States is coming up again as it has done for the past 35 years. I am referring to January 22, 1973, another day that will live in infamy for the beginning of the destruction of life as we know it. The day the Supreme Court said it was okay to destroy life through the hideous method known as abortion.
Ever since that day, there has been an ongoing battle between the forces of evil (pro-abortion) and the forces of good (anti-abortion) people. Now I know this past sentence will infuriate some claming that pro-abortionist are not evil. But what do you call the callous destruction of life. As they have claimed, they are only defending the women’s right to choose whether she wants to continue through to the end with her pregnancy or end it for her own personal reasons that is justified because of the women’s mental or physical health. Over the years, this argument has been filled with holes, but do to the pro-abortion mainstream media, very little is reported on mental and physical health of a women who has an abortion. Taken that a step further, what about others who are witness to or read about the destruction of life over the past 35 years. What has been the result of such treatment of the unborn? Well, one only needs to read the newspapers or watch the news on television and a clearer picture emerges. What we see is the senseless destruction of life by teens and pre-teens that appear to have grown into a society that values the treatment of animals over human life. Human life has become cheap and replaceable. Have an abortion today and a child when you are better prepared to take on motherhood and/or fatherhood later in life. Oh, how horrible it is to see how some people treat cats and dogs and how our legal system is pushed to prosecute the offender because of public outcry. However, these same people keep silent on the destruction of life.
Some people like to use the argument that they are pro-choice although they are personally opposed to abortion. An argument that is used only to convince the people using it in their own mind or to be politically correct. In reality, in the real world you are either for or against abortion. There is no middle ground. Such arguments make no since but are used repeatedly to justify the end, the killing of a human life.
We can never hope to renew society unless we ourselves are committed to renewal in our own lives. We can never hope to renew society as long as we find ways to accommodate social values that are fundamentally opposed to God’s value that he gave us in the Ten Commandments.
To prevent the continual destruction of our human existence, families should be encouraged to assume responsibility as the first and primary educators of their children. Abortion is a poor role model of how society operates.
We are going to have a new President taking office this month that has vowed to sign the Freedom of Choice Act if passed by Congress. This bill will be come the most reprehensible act against human life that will surpass Roe vs. Wade. This legislation ignores the argument when life begins. We are taking about human life not animal life. Science has concluded that life does begin as conception. So destroying life although called a fetus in the womb, is still a human life in its’ earliest development. This bill will permit an abortion from the 1st day of pregnancy to the last day.
Dr. Maureen L. Condic, a senior fellow at the Westchester Institute for Ethics & the Human Person and an associate professor of neurobiology and anatomy at the University of Utah School of medicine disputes and claims the argument that when life begins is unknowable or unresolved and are scientifically unfounded. She has written a Scientific Perspective, a detailed authoritative report, known as a white paper. It was published in October and can be downloaded at
Unless we as a society stand up to the senseless slaughter of human beings for personal monetary gain of some doctors and organizations, life will become even cheaper. You will see the destruction of life advocates turn to those individuals that become a financial burden to society or insurance companies. This includes all ages. We here more about euthanasia every year and if we continue on this path you will not have to worry about being financially secure when planning retirement or what my Social Security payment will be. You will not be around to enjoy it. Reminds me of the movie in the 60’s titled, Soylent Green, where as you reached a certain age you were processed into food for the remaining populace.
So what can we do? We must contact our legislatures in the state and federal government expressing our displeasure on abortion and offer financial support to those organizations that defend life. To do nothing, to look the other way or to say it is not my problem will not suffice in today’s society. Action is needed and we must make our voice heard or the minority that support such despicable acts will continue to force their agenda upon us and what I have mentioned in this letter will come to fruition. Now is the time for all good people to come to the aid of human life and have their voices heard.
Will the Democratic Party be known as the party that promotes a culture of death?
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