Friday, September 23, 2022

The end

  This is my last entry on this blog.  I am now on Truth Social under the title:  Bklynbobkat.  You can read my writings there.  Had a great time over the years on this site and have moved to a site that will not censor my writings. This site never did.   We have learned the past 2 weeks how the Democratic Communist Party and the FBI have been getting Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites to censor articles that call out government agencies and the Democratic Communist candidates for office as well as those already in office.  

Good Bye

ChinaJoebama and inflation


Under the ChinaJoebama administration we have high fuel prices, high food prices, higher rents and just about anything else that one spends money on that reflects the present inflation.  All this because this administration believe the world will be coming to an end in the next 8 years.  We cannot predict the weather for this time next year, but the Democratic Communist Party wants us to believe they know better.  This Green new deal is all BS.  But China will be making Trillions of dollars.

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Upcoming election


In case you have been sleeping for the past 18 months, we are witnessing the beginning of a Police State.  Since Trump came down the escalator in 2015 they have been going after him simply because he was exposing who and what they are.  They being the swamp that includes the FBI, DOJ, CIA, and other non-elected officials with power in the positions they hold.  Today it is Trump and his MAGA people, tomorrow when complete control has been accomplished, it will be you. Submit or else to communism.  With the puppet ChinaJoebama, Obama and his other communist followers have what they want.  This election in 2022 could very well be our last if the Democratic Communist Party succeed in controlling Congress.  And they will do everything they can to accomplish this task.  It is not how many people vote, but who is counting the votes.  Remember, we are dealing with communist ideology where power and control of the populace is goal #1.  Then everything else falls into play.  If you do not believe this, then you have been asleep.


Thursday, September 8, 2022

AOC comments in GQ magazine


AOC made a comment in her GQ magazine that she would never become president since so many Americans hate women.  Actually, we like women we just dislike women that believe in communism, socialism and Marxism and advocate this form of government over our Constitutional Republic.  So, this is why many dislike AOC.  I might add we also do not like idiots either.

Monday, September 5, 2022

Democratic Communist Party


The Democratic Communist Party with their model MAMA (Make America Miserable Again) are working on their new model KAMA (Keep America Miserable Again) for the 2022 and 2024 elections with their leader the clueless ChinaJoebama and the laughing hyena VP​ Harris.  If you enjoy government control dictating what you can and cannot do, where to live and how to live, arresting you for disagreeing with their philosophy, then the democratic communist party is for you. Or go MAGA and have freedom.

Sunday, September 4, 2022

November election


This election in November gives us two choices.  Do you want to live in a Constitutional Republic (we are not a democracy by the way) and MAGA (Make America Great Again) where we believe your rights come the constitution or become a MAMA (Make American Miserable Again) where the constitution is violated and they believe your rights come from government and we see in the blue states how great that is.  Crime and where government dictates what you can and cannot do or car you can drive.

Saturday, September 3, 2022

ChinaJoebama's speech


ChinaJoebama’s speech on Thursday was an attack on Trump and his MAGA supporters of about 75 million. Trump gave us closed borders, lower fuel prices, no wars, low inflation and low unemployment and the lowest ever for blacks and Hispanics.  ChinaJoe and his MAMA group (Make America Miserable Again) has given up high fuel prices, high inflation, a recession, open borders, Fentanyl  drugs killing over 100 thousands Americans a year and Russia and China doing whatever they want. Go ChinaJoebama.