Sunday, September 30, 2018

The Race Card by the Demon-crats

As usual, when the demon-crats cannot win an argument, you can rest assured they will play the race card.  They are now doing with the Kavanaugh nomination.  Kavanaugh is now an angry white person, white privilege, represents white power and any other phrase with white in it.  The demon-crats cannot defend their arguments, so they take their usual and always expected, the race card.  But, what you see are the very rich, white demon-crats making this argument.  What they fail to do is look in the mirror.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Kavanaugh-Ford Hearing

It became even more obvious during the hearing yesterday that Dr. Ford was being used as a tool by the democrats and her radical attorneys in a vain attempt to derail the Kavanaugh nomination.

In fact as one watched and listened to Dr. Ford, it became at least to me, that Dr. Ford has some serious issues and again my perception was that she could be easily swayed in what to say in response to questions.  She seemed confused and I wonder if she was medicated since her demeanor appeared to be similar to someone under the influence of something. 

Since the hearing, we have also learned that Dr. Ford was removed from her school in Washington DC area and sent out to California to get away from what I understood to be bad influences.  Not sure what that was, but could it be the group she hung out with and the behavior she engaged in at age 15.  More information needs to be known.  But, then again, if she was a republican, no more information is needed.

This letter Dr. Ford wrote was in the hands of Sen. Feinstein and somehow it became public contrary to what we have been told that Dr. Ford wanted to remain anonymous.  Sen. Feinstein has no idea how the letter became public even though it was in her office.  She did not do it nor did her staff, so she claims.  Again, I can only assume it became public through Osmosis.  There can be no other explanation.  We know that Sen. Feinstein is extremely honest and would never divulge information unless the person requested it could be done. She is so honest, that Sen. Feinstein was the one who recommended the two lawyers to Dr. Ford that were on either side of her during the hearing, which is another story. 

So, Kavanaugh defended himself well against this false allegation and even those Dr. Ford claimed could support her accusation have denied this ever happen in their presence or knew Kavanaugh.  But, that did not stop Sen. Feinstein and her other lying democrats from demanding another hearing even to the extent of attempting to allow the creepy porn lawyer from getting involved in this hearing using a discredited allegation.    But, that is the Democratic Party today.  Proof is not needed as long as it is against republicans or conservatives.  The democrats do not want a constitutionalist on the Supreme Court since they want the court to change the constitution to suit their radical agenda.  Nowhere in the constitution does it state courts can change the constitution, but as long as the people do not know they will see that it is done and has been done by other courts previously.  But, nobody has taken this up to the Supreme Court where lower courts have issued rulings that are contrary to what is contained in our constitution.  Maybe, we can see an end to this.  That is what this nomination is all about.  Control and power over the people.  These democrats that are up for election this November need to be voted out of office and that will send a message to the Democratic Party that socialism and power to the political party over the people is not our form of government.  We are at the crossroads of what the future of our country will be.   Free or suppressed. 

Monday, September 24, 2018

The dangerous truth behind the Dems' 'Medicare-for-all' hoax

Betsy McCaughey 

President Barack Obama made a stunning policy shift on Friday, endorsing "Medicare-for-all" - a single-payer health system - for the nation. Most Democrats contending for the 2020 presidential nomination, and many Dems vying for Congressional seats this fall, are backing it, too. 

But beware. They're pulling a bait-and-switch. The phrase "Medicare-for-all" sounds as American as apple pie. A new Reuters poll shows 70 percent of Americans respond to it favorably. That's because the public isn't getting the truth about what it means. The actual plan these Democrats are pushing doesn't look anything like Medicare. They're slapping the Medicare label on what would be dangerously inadequate health care. 

For starters, it would rip away private health coverage from half of all Americans, including the 157 million who get their insurance the old-fashioned way - earning it through a job. Conveniently, Democrats are forgetting to tell you that private insurance would be banned under their scheme; employers would be barred from covering workers or their families. Union members and executives who bargained for gold-plated private plans would lose them and have to settle for the same one-size-fits-all public coverage as people who refuse to work at all. Even immigrants here illegally would get the same benefits. What's the point of working?
"Medicare-for-all" is no longer a fringe proposal favored by the extreme left. It's gaining steam. Republicans who failed miserably to communicate a case for repealing and replacing Obamacare cannot make that mistake again. They need to warn voters about the dangers of single-payer health care. 

Under "Medicare-for-all" - the legislation introduced by Senator Bernie Sanders - Americans would be automatically enrolled in the public program. Kids would be enrolled at birth. 

The new scheme would guarantee hospital care, doctors' visits, even dental, vision and long-term care, all provided by Uncle Sam. But that's only until the money runs out. Sanders' bill imposes hard-and-fast dollar caps on how much health care the country can consume yearly. That means limiting mammograms, hip replacements and other procedures. Sanders' bill creates new regional health authorities to curb "overutilization" of care.
Seniors and baby boomers are big losers under "Medicare-for-all." 

Whenever boomers have to vie with younger people for health resources, they get pushed to the back of the line. In the United Kingdom's single-payer system, boomers are turned away for hip replacements. They're told they have fewer years of life ahead to benefit from costly medical procedures. British women are livid because many are being refused breast reconstruction after lumpectomies and mastectomies. 

At least in Britain, people are free to buy private insurance and go outside the government system for care. But that's not true under "Medicare-for-all." You'd be trapped. 

Dems backing Sanders' bill point to Medicare's cost efficiencies and say they can be expanded to the whole population. That's ridiculous. Medicare pays only about 88 cents for every dollar of care, shortchanging hospitals and doctors. These providers take the payments because they can shift the unmet costs on their patients with private insurance. But if everyone is on "Medicare-for-all," no cost-shifting is possible. The only alternative is lowering the quality of care - longer waits, limited access to technology.
Single-payer advocates don't deny it. Stanford economist Victor Fuchs argues in the Journal of the American Medical Association that curbing the use of mammograms, new drugs and diagnostic technologies would make single-payer affordable. In short, go low-tech. But millions of American women have survived breast cancer thanks to high-tech screening and new gene-based therapies. Low-tech medicine would be a death sentence.
The United Kingdom's rock bottom survival rates for breast, lung, ovarian and pancreatic cancer are the result of that low-tech approach. British newspapers are declaring, "Cancer shame as UK survival rates lag behind the rest of the world." 

Is that what we want in America? 

Betsy McCaughey is a senior fellow at the London Center for Policy Research and a former lieutenant governor of New York State. Contact her at To find out more about Betsy McCaughey and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at

Third Witness Who Christine Ford Says Saw Brett Kavanaugh Sexually Assault Her Says It Never Happened

September 20, 2018

When California psychology professor Christine Blasey Ford made the allegations in a letter to pro-abortion Senator Diane Feinstein that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh supposedly sexually assaulted her, she said four people were allegedly at the party where it happened.

Ford made the allegations in a letter to pro-abortion Senator Diane Feinstein. The abortion activist held the letter since July from Ford detailing an alleged attack on her by Kavanaugh when they were in high school three decades ago. Suspiciously, Feinstein remained silent through the confirmation process and hearings until just days before a scheduled vote on his nomination.

Kavanaugh and alleged witness Mark Judge both said the sexual assault never took place. And now a third witness also says it never happened.

Now a third alleged attendee, another Kavanaugh high school classmate named Patrick J. Smyth, has provided a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee rebutting Ford’s story.

Now, Patrick J. Smyth, an individual who understands himself to be one of the alleged attendees of the alleged gathering, has provided a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee in which he–like Kavanaugh and Judge–denies Ford’s story.

The substance of this letter, written by Smyth’s lawyer Eric Bruce, was first reported by CNN on Wednesday morning. The Senate Judiciary Committee confirmed to that it did in fact receive the letter on Tuesday evening.

The letter, as reported by CNN, included a statement from Smyth rebutting Ford’s alleged claim that he was at a gathering like the one she described to the Post.

As reported by CNN, the quotes from Smyth as cited in his lawyer’s letter to the Judiciary Committee, are as follows:

“I understand that I have been identified by Christine Blasey Ford as the person she remembers as ‘PJ’ who supposedly was present at the party she described in her statements to the Washington Post. … I am issuing this statement today to make it clear to all involved that I have no knowledge of the party in question, nor do I have any knowledge of the allegations of improper conduct she has leveled against Brett Kavanaugh.

“Personally speaking, I have known Brett Kavanaugh since high school and I know him to be a person of great integrity, a great friend, and I have never witnessed any improper conduct by Brett Kavanaugh toward women. To safeguard my own privacy and anonymity, I respectfully request that the Committee accept this statement in response to any inquiry the committee may have.”

Meanwhile, Ford is now refusing to testify during a Senate hearing planned for Monday. The Senate Judiciary Committee has announced a hearing on Monday judge Brett Kavanaugh to clear his name of the false allegations that he supposedly sexually assaulted a woman 35 years ago.

But more recent information has confirmed both the woman leveling the allegation that Ford and her attorney are Democratic Party activists. For and her attorney Debra Katz have not only donated to Democrats, but also recently signed on to a Physicians for Human Rights letter protesting the Trump administration’s immigration policy.

Few media outlets have confronted Katz on her own Democratic activism. In 2017, Katz labeled all senior Trump administration officials to be “miscreants.” Hypocritically, she also staunchly and repeatedly defended Bill Clinton against claims of sexual harassment made by Paula Jones in the 1990s.

Meanwhile, news is surfacing that calls into question the credibility of Ford’s story, which has apparently changed dramatically over the years. News reports indicate she can’t even remember the location or year of the alleged attack.

Additionally, Ford’s brother, Ralph Blasey III, once worked for the law firm of Baker & Hostetler LLP, but left that firm in 2004. The Daily Caller reported that Baker & Hostetler paid a company called Fusion GPS seven payments totaling more than a half million dollars in 2016. Fusion GPS was also the shadowy Democrat “dirty tricks” group hired by Planned Parenthood to produce the fake forensic analysis that supposedly “debunked” the Center for Medical Progress’ undercover videos.

And a peer and friend who knew Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh as a high school student is vouching for his character amid accusations from a woman that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her when they were teens.

According to documents on file with the Maryland Court System, Ford’s parents, Ralph G. and Paula K. Blasey owned property that was in foreclosure. The judge who presided over that case was Brett Kavanaugh’s mother, Martha G. Kavanaugh.

In a statement after the allegations surfaced, Kavanaugh refuted the 11th-hour smear campaign made by Senate Democrats and abortion advocates who are desperately hoping to tarnish his image in advance of a Senate Judiciary Committee vote on his nomination. Kavanaugh said the claims are totally false and he offered to speak with the Senate Judiciary Committee about the claim made by Christine Blasey Ford.

“This is a completely false allegation. I have never done anything like what the accuser describes — to her or to anyone,” Kavanaugh said in a statement. “Because this never happened, I had no idea who was making this accusation until she identified herself yesterday.”

“I am willing to talk to the Senate Judiciary Committee in any way the committee deems appropriate to refute this false allegation, from 36 years ago, and defend my integrity,” he said in his statement.

Ford told the Washington Post in an interview published Sunday that Kavanaugh held her on a bed on her back during a party at a house in Maryland. Ford accused Kavanaugh of groping her over her clothes and said he tried to undress her. She was able to escape the bedroom when Kavanaugh’s classmate jumped on them, Ford said.

Kavanaugh unequivocally denied the allegation in a statement last week, though at that time, his accuser remained anonymous.

The New Yorker reported  that the incident allegedly occurred in the early 1980s, when Kavanaugh was a student at Georgetown Preparatory School, an all-boys school in Bethesda, Md. The woman, meanwhile, went to a local high school.

The woman said in a letter sent to Democratic lawmakers this summer that during a party, Kavanaugh held her down and tried to force himself on her, according to The New Yorker.

Kavanaugh and his classmate, who were drinking, increased the volume of the music that was playing to hide her protests, the letter reportedly says. Kavanaugh allegedly used his hand to cover the woman’s mouth, before she was able to escape.

“I categorically and unequivocally deny this allegation,” Kavanaugh said in a statement. “I did not do this back in high school or at any time.”

The classmate of Kavanaugh’s who was allegedly involved in the encounter said, “I have no recollection of that,” according to The New Yorker.

But other women who knew Judge Kavanaugh during that time period vouch for his character and high moral standard.

Shortly after the details of the letter were made public by The New Yorker, the Senate Judiciary Committee shared a letter it received Friday from 65 women who knew Kavanaugh during their high school years.

“Through the more than 35 years we have known him, Brett has stood out for his friendship, character, and integrity,” the women wrote. “In particular, he has always treated women with decency and respect. That was true when he was in high school, and it has remained true to this day.”

This dustup followed on the heels of Senate Democrats getting caught lying about Kavanaugh. Since Kavanaugh’s hearings last week, numerous fact checks and advice to “drop the whopper of a talking point” from one of the largest newspapers in America have not stopped pro-abortion politicians from repeating false claims about U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

The lies about Kavanaugh’s birth control beliefs began with U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris of California and continued with two-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. The Washington Post, Politifact and others refuted their claims that Kavanaugh called birth control “abortion-inducing drugs,” but the pro-abortion politicians continue to push the lie.

This week, Kavanaugh also responded to the claims by clarifying what he meant when he used the term “abortion-inducing drugs” last week during the U.S. Senate hearings.

Abortion activists fear Kavanaugh, who has served on the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for D.C. for more than a decade. He has an extensive record of protecting religious liberty, including in the Priests for Life case, and enforcing restrictions on abortion. Pro-life leaders believe he would do the same on the Supreme Court.

Meanwhile, Sen. Susan Collins’ office says it has received threats of rape and other violence from abortion activists who want her to vote against U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

The Maine Republican is a key swing vote in Kavanaugh’s confirmation. Collins is pro-abortion, and she has not yet announced her decision about him.

Over the past few months, NARAL, Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion groups have been targeting her with phone calls, political ads, fundraising for a pro-abortion Democrat opponent and a coat hanger campaign; but these attempts to influence may have the opposite effect.

Collins told reporters this week that her office has received a number of threatening phone calls and other messages, including one caller who threatened to rape one of her female staffers.

Under questioning from pro-life Senator Lindsey Graham, Kavanaugh confirmed there is no “specific” right to abortion in the Constitution.

“Is there any phrase in the Constitution about abortion?” Graham asked Kavanaugh.

“The Supreme Court has found that under the liberty clause, but you’re right that specific words,” Kavanaugh said before stopping as Graham continued. Kavanaugh clearly was beginning to admit Graham’s point that abortion or a right to abortion is never specifically addressed in the Constitution — but was made up by the Supreme Court in 1973.

During his nomination hearings, Judge Kavanaugh was been careful to discuss abortion within the context of what the Supreme Court has decided in the precedent-setting cases of Roe v. Wade and Casey v. Planned Parenthood without biasing the hearings with his own views in a way that would force him to recuse himself in future abortion cases before the court.

During the first day of questioning, Judge Brett Kavanaugh refused to say that there is a so-called right to abortion. He declined to take the bait from pro-abortion Senator Dianne Feinstein who wants to get him to commit to upholding Roe v Wade once he is confirmed to the Supreme Court.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Truth does not apply for Kavanaugh

So, we now hear that the accuser Ford and her lawyers demanding that they will dictate how the Senate will conduct the hearing on her allegation and contrary to our legal justice system, the accuser wants Kavanaugh to testify first, something that is never done.  Kavanaugh has to address the charges being made against him and how can he do that if the accuser has not testified to put her allegations out there.   Also, they want a women should conduct the senate interview not a male. 

Whether this allegation is true, remains to be seen as the accuser cannot indicate the year, day or location of this allegation, but she can identify Kavanaugh.  Those females who have undergone sexual advances have indicated this is something they will never forget and find it usual that this accuser has a blank on this event, but can accuse Kavanaugh.  Of course, we do not know why she was drunk at age 15 that we now know this did not happen during the school year, but in the summer. 

In addition, Sen. Feinstein has not given the Senate the complete letter the accuser wrote and redacted portions.  What was redacted that the senator has refused to release to the Senate?

This whole fiasco is another attempt by the democrats to prevent Kavanaugh from being voted into the Supreme Court.  We do not know if these allegations have any truth, but that is not going to prevent the democrats who indicated from the beginning of Kavanaugh being nominated, that they would prevent his nomination from going forward.  This is what they are doing and they are using the accuser as the impetus for this. 

Of course, we know some republicans do not have a backbone, are Trump haters and may not vote for Kavanaugh.  This debacle is all about the “A” word, Abortion.  The democrats want to delay this nomination until after the November election under the belief they will win the senate and will as they have said, prevent Trump from nominating anyone to the Supreme Court for the next two years.  The country, the constitution be dammed.

Personally, I believe this allegation against Kavanaugh is all pure bullshit.  It may have happened, but not by Kavanaugh. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

The Kavanaugh Debacle for Democrats

We now have over 200 females that have signed a letter confirming their support for Brett Kavanaugh and his behavior with females.  Many of these are professional women and all have indicated that the Ford accusation is pure BS.

We also have learned that the parents of Christine Ford lost their property through a foreclosure hearing and the judge in that case was Brett’s mother, Martha G. Kavanaugh.  Christine Ford is also a democrat that has opposed President Trump and her lawyer is a well know political activist who is also a strong opposition to Trump.  The lawyer is also being financed by George Soros, who will finance anyone who has a dislike for Trump and will engage in any action to destroy our government. 

Her lawyer has gone so far as to claim Ford does not have to prove her allegation, but this must be investigated by law enforcement.  Again, we have an allegation with no proof and Ford does not have to prove her allegation.  Just like the Russian Collusion story, where we have a special prosecutor appointed to look for a crime when it is supposed to be a crime that prosecutors investigate.  So, we now know according to the democrats that you are guilty until proven innocent.  But, if it is a female allegation, you are guilty period, except if you are a democrat and Muslim running for state attorney in Minnesota, Keith Ellison, and you are accused of molesting a women.  Then it is acceptable and no investigation is required and the allegation will be suppressed by the democrats and news media and the victim will be vilified. 

This is why today’s democrats must be voted out of office or you will eventually suffer similar consequences where you will be guilty of any allegation without evidence.  Aside having your taxes increase, since we all know that democrats know how to spend your money better than you, your 1st, 2nd, 3d and 4th Amendments to the constitution will be ignored as they were under the Obama administration.     

Monday, September 17, 2018

Democrats in state of panic

President Trump has authorized the release of the FISA warrants and all the Emails related to the FISA warrant and the E mails from the entire upper echelon of the FBI, DOJ, CIA, DNI who served in the Obama Administration and were attempting to overthrow an elected government by any means possible.  Should prove to be interesting.  But rest assured the DOJ and FBI will slow walk this information.  Hopefully, Trump will take action if this happens a fire, Rosenstein, Sessions and Wray.

Another Anita Hill Moment

Well, the Democrats or should I call them as they want to be known today as the Socialist Democrats, are trying again as they did with candidate Supreme Court nominee, Clarence Thomas, in a vain attempt to derail his nomination.  With all the information provided so far, this will also fail and show the democrats what they are, haters and obstructionist.  But, the weak republicans like Flake and Corker, who are gutless wonders have shown their lack of a backbone.  Wonder how they can even stand up.   Rather than stand up and push back against what will eventually show to be a false allegation, they become meek and afraid.  The democrats know this and that is why they can get away with it.  As long as Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are in charge, this will continue. 

Those who know Brett Kavanaugh, have already testified that Kavanaugh has never shown this type of behavior and in his entire life so far, he has never demonstrated this type of behavior.  These are females who dated Kavanaugh in high school.  History has shown that this type of behavior would have been shown many more times during Brett Kavanaugh’s life. 

But unfortunately, republicans have no backbone. 

Friday, September 14, 2018

Sen. Feinstein and the Letter

So, Sen. Feinstein claims that she has a letter alleging that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh when he was in high school at age 17, he and a friend locked a female student in a closet.  To think that Mr. Kavanaugh at age 17 was not mature enough to realize that nearly 40 years later this action would be considered so outrageous to border on a sexual allegation.  Imagine if he instead of putting this female in a closet, he actually said “hello, how are you, what is your name?” how today he would be arrested for such actions. 

But fear not, we now hear from that great, honest reporter Ronan Farrow who is now alleging this allegation is true.  However, we might add this information.  The woman also claimed Kavanaugh was joined at the time by a friend who turned up music to conceal her protests. But that unnamed classmate reportedly told the New Yorker, “I have no recollection of that.”

Meanwhile, the Judiciary Committee on Friday received a letter from 65 women who said they knew Kavanaugh from high school and vouched for him as a “good person.” The letter was addressed to Feinstein and Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa.

Now, one has to wonder why Sen. Feinstein who held this letter since June, had interviewed Brett Kavanaugh personally and then was given a chance to bring this allegation at the private meeting and then in the senate confirmation hearings, did not.  This only goes to prove the extent the Socialist Democratic Party will go to prevent any nominee of President Trump being confirmed.  They continue their hate and resistance to any proposal by President Trump to improve the American economy and citizens.  They and their other Trump haters from both parties have been exposed and they are losing their power and control they had over the government and people. 

So, before Trump was even elected they devised a plan to allege Russian collusion and allow the special prosecutor not only pursue this phony allegation, but try to get anyone associated with Trump on any charges they could devise   But, with all these Emails being released through Freedom of Information, we are learning that the real collusion was between Hillary, the DNC, FBI, DOJ, CIA and DNI to overthrow an elected government of the people because it was not what they wanted and has now exposed the corruption in government that should be a major concern of everybody both Republicans and Democrats.  Everyone involved in this attempt to overthrow our government must be prosecuted and spend many year behind bars, and not in a country club prison. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Hurricane Florence-All Trump’s Fault

We can truly say, unless you came from another planet today, that the lying news media have completely lost it.  According to the wacko media, Hurricane Florence was caused by President Trump.  The Washington Compost headlines indicated that today and CNN has gone completely off the rails last night by indicating the Jet Stream and even the Gulf Stream have shifted all because of Trump’s policies, especially pulling out of the Paris Climate Change Accord.  So, if it is not the lying false rhetoric of the phony Russian Collusion or the obstruction of justice for firing Comey, which the Constitution gives all authority to the president to do such a thing, the lying news media will continue everyday devising some fabricated story in every effort to destroy the Trump presidency.  This is obviously a silent coup in the making, something you only see in third world countries.  But then again with the Socialist Democratic Party pushing for socialism we will end up like a third world country.  It appears they think Venezuela is the correct application of how socialism should work.  All power to government and crumbs to the populace.  Which is exactly how socialism really works and why it has failed everywhere it has been tried.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Obama’s claim

Former President Obama is now claiming that he should be credited for the booming economy and not President Trump.  What Obama does not understand is that BS should come out your ass and not your mouth.

Sen. Cory Booker’s latest outrageous comment

At the Brett Kavanaugh hearing Thursday, Sen. Booker was claiming that he was going to release what he claimed were confidential Emails on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh that will show he is a racist and he did not care if this caused senate action that would get him booted out of the Senate.  But, what Sen. Booker did not state was these and many other Emails were already released and did not have the label of confidentiality and did not indicate Kavanaugh was a racist, but just the opposite.  So, what Sen. Booker was doing was grandstanding by attempting to show the country that he would sacrifice his senate seat to get information out on the nominee.  It sounded great until it was learned that he was lying to the public on his intention and only shows the despicable action the Dems are taking to thwart the selection of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.  It will not work and by this time next year, President will probably be selecting another nominee for the Supreme court as age is catching up to some of the members.  But, Sen. Booker will continue to make an ass of himself.  That you can take to the bank.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Children at Play

Watching the hearing yesterday for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, the only impression one can be left with is watching children at play.  I thought you had to be at least 30 years of age to be a member of the Senate.  Instead I was watching a video of a day care center and children acting out.  Hopefully, the parents of these children will discipline them for such childlike behavior.  It seems the Republicans were the only adults in the room, while the Democrats and their followers in the audience showed their true age.