Listening to
the rhetoric of the Democratic Socialist/Marxist Party over the past year, it
has become obvious that the socialist/Marxist are going out of their way to
embrace illegals and hopefully, as they are dong in some cities, giving
illegals the right to vote. When an
illegal votes, that vote cancels out a vote from a citizen. You lose your country, your constitution and
maybe your life. But are the
socialist/Marxist party concerned? In no
way. Their entire attention is protecting
the illegals from any government action to deport or imprison them. Say goodbye to your country as a citizen you
have no rights because you are legal and a citizen unless you exercise your
rights this coming November and vote these socialist/Marxist out of office. This may be your last chance where being a
citizen you have control over your government.
But if the socialist/Marxist have their way, kiss your freedom
Thursday, July 26, 2018
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
Michael Daniel, Obama’s cyber czar knew Russia was hacking us, but.........................
So the
Obama administration knew about Russia attempting to disrupt the November 2016
election but were told to stand down. I
wonder why? Yet, all we here is Trump
colluded with the Russians. Now we know
who really colluded with the Russians. I guess they were so sure Hillary was
going to be elected, that they did not want to offend Russia. After all Hillary
and Bill made over $150 million on the Uranium One deal. Why offend a money bank. I wonder how much secrets she would sell for
more money. With the Clinton’s, it is
all about the money and nothing but money and the country and people be
Former President Barack Obama’s cybersecurity czar confirmed Wednesday that former national security adviser Susan Rice told him to “stand down” in response to Russian cyber attacks during the 2016 presidential campaign.
Michael Daniel, whose official title was “cybersecurity
coordinator,” confirmed the stand-down order during a Senate Select Committee
on Intelligence hearing held to review the Obama and President Donald Trump’s
administrations’ policy response to Russian election interference.
Rice’s order to Daniel was first reported in “Russian Roulette,”
a book published in March that details Russia’s meddling in the election.
In the book, authors Michael Isikoff and David Corn reported
that Daniel was developing strategies to respond to Russian cyber attacks on
U.S. companies and political campaigns. He proposed using what’s known as
denial of service attacks to take down Russian propaganda news sites and to
attack Russian intelligence agencies
Another idea was to announce a bogus “cyber exercise” against a Eurasian country. The goal was to put the Kremlin on notice that its infrastructure could easily be targeted by the U.S.
Rice opposed the proposals, according to “Russian Roulette.”
“Don’t get ahead of us,” she told Daniel in a meeting in August
2016, according to the book.
Daniel informed his staff of the order, much to their
“I was incredulous and in disbelief,” Daniel
Prieto, who worked under Daniel, is quoted saying in “Russian Roulette.”
“Why the hell are we standing down? Michael, can
you help us understand?” Prieto asked.
Daniel confirmed the exchange on Wednesday, during
a round of questions from Idaho Sen. Jim Risch.
“That is an accurate rendering of the conversation
at the staff meeting,” he testified.
“You were told to stand down, is that correct?”
Risch, a Republican, asked Daniel.
“Those actions were put on the back burner, yes.
That was not the focus of our activity during that time period,” Daniel
He noted the White House cybersecurity team did
continue working to respond to Russia, but with a smaller staff and a less
aggressive approach.
“It’s not accurate to say that all activity ceased
at that point,” he said, declining to describe the activities in an
unclassified hearing.
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Our intelligence agencies, How honest/Good are they?
Well, the
Trump/Putin summit has garnered a ton of headlines and yet, the media are so
consumed with TDS that they fail to see what happened in the past with our
intelligence agencies and how they got many things wrong. First, we can look at
9/11 where after the event we found out the information was out there, but we
could not put it all together to develop a synopsis of what was planned.
Then we had
the invasion of Iraq that President Bush claimed was because of Iraq and Saddam
Hussein developing weapons of mass destruction (WMD). Yet no type of weapons were captured or any
information that would indicate such action.
However, we did learn that the then President George W. Bush was wanting
to get even with Hussein since he organized an attempted assassination of his
father, former President George H. Bush.
It seems we went to war over a personal vendetta and many lives were
lost and are still being killed. The
Middle East would have been better with Hussein still in power as he was a foe
of Iran and maybe the situation might have been different.
forget the Benghazi debacle where our intelligence agencies blew another one
and for Americans were killed and the Obama administration blamed it all on a
film nobody ever heard about. One would
think the intelligence agencies would have come out and said something on this
false allegation, but they kept their mouth shut.
Of course,
our intelligence agencies never responded to the Fast and Furious devised by
Hillary and Obama in an attempt to get restrictions on our 2nd
Amendment by claiming we are causing all the killings in Mexico with guns
purchased in the U.S. and this must be stopped.
Of course that backfired, but our intelligence agencies again remained
We then had
the invasion in Crimea, Ukraine and Georgia and our intelligence agencies
seemed surprised by these actions.
But, we
cannot end without discussing the Uranium One deal where we sold 20% of our
Uranium to Russia through various channels and the question that was never
answered, why we would sell Uranium to Russia our enemy.
Today, or
should I say the past two years all we hear is about Russia meddling in our
2016 election that our intelligent agencies was quiet on when news came out on
these allegations, President Obama said Russia could not alter our
election. But, since Trump was elected,
that is all we hear is without Russia interference, Hillary would have been
elected. Now those of us with a brain
know that Hillary was a shit poor candidate and did not campaign like Trump did
and he did it with less money. But,
since Trump wanted to drain the swamp, the RINOS and the Marxist Party together
with their collaborators, have been reporting nothing but Russia causing Trump
to get elected. We know that it is nearly
impossible for any country to change votes since voting machines are not
connected to the internet and there are some many voting locations throughout
every state and county, it would become nearly impossible. However, we did know Russia, through a phony
group did run adds in the media against both candidates.
But our
intelligence agencies remained silent until Hillary lost and now all hell
breaks loose. Yet our illustrious intelligence
agencies have not found the Hillary server and the 30,000 so called lost
Emails, but whenever Trump opens his mouth, some former member of the Trump
intelligence agency makes false and phony allegations in an attempt to continue
this silent coup of our duly elected president.
The swamp and deep state is being exposed on both sides and they are
doing their best to have Trump removed.
We have not discussed
the ongoing FBI and Justice Dept. collaboration to destroy Trump the candidate
and then Trump the president.
nobody knows what was discussed in the three hour Trump/Putin meeting except
for a few that are not talking. But as
usual the weak, incompetent former members of the intelligence community are
doing just that. They were incompetent
then and are showing their incompetence today.
Stupid does what stupid is.
Monday, July 16, 2018
Nancy Pelosi and the other members of the Marxist Party
So Nancy Pelosi questions
why President Trump did not pursue the allegation of Russian hacking into our
election and yet, she and her ilk never questioned Obama, the CIA, FBI, NSA and
State Department why they did not pursue these allegations.
But Trump did raise the
question in the news conference when a reporter raise a question on Russian and
our elections, on where is Hillary’s private server, her missing 30,000 emails
and the latest IT person, Imran Awan that was stealing information from the DNC and
democratic members of congress in addition to bank fraud.
So, it comes down to what
did Debbie Wasserman Schultz know and how long did she know and why did she not
report the actions of this IT person to the FBI? How much information did he retrieve from the
members on the intelligent committee that he had access through their
computers? Just like the Hillary private
server, no report was made until information became public.
But members of the Marxist
Party will not discuss these issues because of their Trump Derangement Syndrome
(TDS). It is all about Trump, Russian
collusion, Supreme Court picks, the growing economy that they hate, lower taxes
that they want to increase and hate, hate and more hate. They are still pursuing their silent coup of
and duly elected president. They still
do not understand that as a candidate Hillary sucked.
Friday, July 13, 2018
The Peter Strzok interview
Yesterday we were
witnessed to how higher ups in our government agencies attempted to prevent the
election of Trump and after the election attempted to engage in a silent coup
to overthrow an elected president. Yet,
with all the evidence out there and more coming out every week, the Marxist at
this hearing wanted nothing to do with this hearing and believed it was all unnecessary. We had an attempt to overthrow an election
and the Marxist party wanted to close their eyes to this crime. However, you can bet your lifetime savings,
if this was being committed against a democratic elected president, all hell
would have broken loose and the fake news media would be doing a 24 hour 7 days
continual discussion and outrage that this could happen in the United
States. But, since this is Trump,
nothing. The American public had better
wake up and realize we are close to losing our country to a group of elitist
who believe they know better and one party, the Marxist party, believe it is
acceptable for government agencies to engage in such behavior to maintain their
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
Hypocrisy of the Marxist party (Democrat)
Marxist party uses their phony outrage over parents and children being
separated at the border for crossing illegally.
What we know, if you cross the border illegally, you are going to be
arrested and when arrested you will be separated from your children, if in fact
they are your siblings. This happens in
the United States when you commit a crime and no one is available to care for
your children.
the Marxist seem to view the situation differently. First they never in their speeches say
illegal immigrants, but address all as immigrants. So they say we are separating immigrants from
their children. This outrage is amazing
when one considers separating parents from their children in the womb through
abortion is acceptable. Some of their
statements are below.
Christ “did not say ‘let the children suffer,’” failed presidential nominee
Hillary Clinton said of “this cruelty.” House Minority Leader
Nancy Pelosi decried the “barbaric and unacceptable policy
of ripping children from the arms of their parents at the border.” Rep. Maxine
Waters invoked the Bible
to declare she was “on the side of understanding that if we can’t protect the
children, we can’t protect anybody.”
Planned Parenthood Federation of America tweeted
that “all of the fathers and parents who have been separated from their
children at borders” were in “our hearts and minds” for Father’s Day. NARAL
President Ilyse Hogue decried the “inhumane” and “evil” “torture” of
“these children.
a child from the womb is acceptable and not inhumane or evil. Such hypocrisy.
Monday, July 9, 2018
Supreme Court Nomination, Let the lies Begin
The president has named,
Brett Kavanaugh as the Supreme Court Nomination. Now we are going to see the Marxist (Formerly
known as democrats) engage in false rhetoric and allegations in their attempt to
derail this nomination and any Trump nomination.
What we have to understand
is the Marxist want to use the Supreme Court to legislate and derail our rights
in the constitution since they cannot get a constitutional amendment to the
constitution to take away our Bill of Rights.
The have been trying to stock the court with liberal activist judges
that will legislate your rights away.
Courts are not supposed to legislate.
Legislation is up to congress.
That is why we need conservative judges who will decide cases on their
merits and within the confines of our constitution and not make up
rulings. We have Supreme Court judges
today that believe the constitution is a living breathing document and changes
with the times. Our Founding Fathers
knew we may add to the constitution or make changes, but only through the
amendment process. The Marxist believe
the courts and not congress or the states should change the constitution. Now you know why this Trump nomination will
make the Marxist blow their mind and make all kinds of accusations. Of course, they have the fake lying news
media to carry their mantel of hate and lies.
But, if you believe in your constitutional rights, then you must make
sure we have judges at all levels that believe in the constitution and abide by
what is written in the constitution when ruling.
With this nomination, the
war has begun against our constitution.
It is the constitution be dammed.
The Marxist want to tell us how to live and what rights we have and do
not have. Listen to what they say
carefully and you will hear for yourself.
Of course, they will use anti-abortion at their crutch to instill fear
into the public. They worry about the
children being separated from their parents at the border, but nothing about
the baby being separated from the parents through abortion. Roe v. Wade will not be changed until the
public changes their view on life and demand change.
Sunday, July 1, 2018
The I.C.E. Demonstrations
The demonstrations that we
witnessed Saturday was very interesting to observe while one listens to the
speeches that seemed to be out of touch with reality. It was obvious even days before these
demonstrations took place that our politicians and demonstrations organizers
are clueless on what I.C.E. actually does or to some what the letters I.C.E.
means. I might also add the fake news
media is also complicit in this stupidity.
I.C.E. is not responsible
for removing or separating adults from the children when they cross the border
illegally. This is this the job of the
Border Patrol. However, our elected
officials either are clueless or are using the well-known stupidity of those
demonstrating to elevate a cause for the upcoming election in November. However, those of us that actually know the
constitution and have knowledge of the duties of what I.C.E. does, realize that
this is going to be a failed effort and will only increase support for Trump
and hurt the democrats in November. These
hate spouting politicians know that Russian Collusion, Obstruction, Stormy
Daniels and the Maxine Waters rhetoric harassment agenda has not worked and
this too shall fail. It will only
encourage the voters to come out like they did in November 2016 and create
another red wave.
The Democratic Socialist Party
With the election of a
socialist in Queens N.Y. last week only has cemented what I and others have been
saying for the past few years that the Democratic Party is not the party of
JFK, but becoming more of the party of Stalin.
Socialism or progressivism is just a fancy name for communism. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the socialist
elected in NYC is an avowed socialist and believes in free housing, education, a
job for everyone in government, free medical and anything else she can think
of. However, she is clueless on how this
can actually be accomplished. Taxing the
rich to pay for all the freebees will not work and has never worked, so raising
taxes will be the answer. The one
question she and her ilk cannot answer is where has socialism, communism and
Marxism been successful? This has been
tired in many countries and has failed everywhere. All this does is create a powerful government
that dictates to the people what they can and cannot do. In essence, government control over the
people. We are seeing today what our
government was attempting with the ongoing investigating by Congress on how the
FBI, DOJ, CIA and intelligence agencies were and still are attempting to remove
President Trump from office. They tried
during the campaign to smear him and after the election are attempting to get
him removed. President Trump wanted to
drain the swamp and we are witnessing first hand who is and what the swamp
does. They were slowly taking control
of our government and dictating who can and cannot be president. And we thought this only happened in 3rd
world countries. This is why you see the
democrats and some republicans want to have Trump removed. President Trump has exposed who they are and
what these unelected bureaucrats have been doing for the past 50 plus years. They are being exposed and we must TAKE OUR
COUNTRY BACK from these anti-Americans and anti-constitution bureaucrats.
The red wave must be
victorious this November and then keep on exposing these government corrupt
officials whose only objective is to control the people thru the use of government
agencies against the people. This is a
violation of their oath of office (as if they really cared) to defend our
country against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. However, they are the domestic enemy, not the
American people. It is also interesting
that the democrats are using maximum efforts not to see this exposed. Socialist do not want exposed their efforts
to control government and the people. As
I have said, the democrats are socialist, communist and Marxist today. Do not be misled by their rhetoric that they
care about our constitution. They only
care about control. Control over you and
the government. As I have said many
times, George Orwell’s book 1984, published in 1949 had it correct. Just about 70 years too early.