I have been
reading the constitution again and still cannot locate the section that says
healthcare is a right. Could you please let me know the location within the
constitution? I know my copy of the
constitution is current, but maybe I never purchased the socialist, Marxist
Sunday, July 30, 2017
Saturday, July 29, 2017
The left Democrats and fellow Liberals definition of Free Speech
Just what
Obama said when meant when he wanted to transform the United States. Free speech is only free if it is what the
left wants to hear.
The left
also likes to claim that conservatives should not impose their morality on
others. But, it is acceptable for the
left liberals and fellow democrats to force their immorality on us. If we do not accept the LBGTQ or whatever
letter they wish to use to describe their immorality then we are racist, bigots,
misogynous and pro God.
The constitution
guarantees us certain freedoms under the first 10 amendments AKA the Bill of
Right. But, it seems the 1st
amendment is being misinterpreted as guaranteeing freedom from religion, but it
actually says, freedom of religion. This
was the 1st amendment to our constitution because to succeed in the
colonies, you had to be a member of the Church of England. Our Founders believed your religious beliefs
should not be a factor. But, we are witnessing the liberals attacking
religion and doing their best to remove religion and God from our lives. We must stand up and fight back this hatred.
What Thomas
Payne wrote in his pamphlet, Common Sense fits today. “These are the times that try men’s
souls. The summer soldier and the
sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their
country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and
women. Tyranny like hell, is not easily
conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict,
the more glorious the triumph”. Do not
shy away from the rhetoric of these radicals that have taken over the Democratic
Party, our colleges and schools, but stand up and fight back and destroy this
evil. We will defeat these Satan
warriors, but doing nothing and burying your head in the sand hoping it will go
away, is not the way to fight and will not be successful. We are fighting these liberals and the
radical news media that supports this ideology contrary to what they
claim. The survival of our country is at
stake. These leftist could care less
about our constitution or country, but are only interested in power and control
of the people. We are witnessing how
successful it is working in Venezuela today. As John Paul Jones once said, “We have only
begun to fight”.
The election
of Trump has these radicals and democrats in a quandary as their plans for a
takeover of government with Hillary was not realized, so they are attacking the
people’s choice through slander, fake and false accusations. But, right will triumph if we stand up and
push back against these elitist establishment in both political parties who see
the swamp in jeopardy. We are on the
right side of history.
Friday, July 28, 2017
Open letter to my Congressional Repesentatives
I would like
to congratulate you and your fellow republicans for failure to pass what you
promised for 7 years, repeal and replace Obamacare. This means we can all place you up there with
the democrats that have been lying ever since they began preparing to pass
Obamacare, (AKA, the ACA). Remember, if
you like your insurance you can keep it.
If you like your doctor, you can keep him/her. You will save $2500 a year. We now know were all lies.
And so, that
brings us to today and the rhetoric of the past 7 years. Give us the House and we can repeal and
replace Obamacare. Give us the Senate
and we can repeal and replace Obamacare.
Give us the White House and we can repeal and replace Obamacare. We now have leaned, just like we learned with
the democrats that both parties will do anything to get elected, but most of
all they will lie and deceive to the electorate to get elected.
We also now
know what candidate Trump meant when he said he wants to drain the swamp. Congress is the swamp. But, we also know that the democrats did not
want nor did they expect Trump to get elected.
However, we also know, that also applies to many of the republicans and
this was shown when the republicans could not keep their promise of repeal and
So, what
have we leaned over this 7 year debacle?
Do what is necessary to get elected, the most important agenda.
Now, I will
say and I will guess that many of us that voted for Trump and are witnessing
the resistance he is receiving from the republicans, will not donate a penny to
the Republican Party or any republican candidate unless that candidate is
opposing those in office and promises to follow the constitution as written. So in essence, do not send or request any
funds from me. I will need all my income
to pay for my medical coverage and other related expenses. Thank you.
But, I am
going to write the White House and request they put together legislation for a
new medical plan titled, “Freedom of Choice” for medical insurance that we can
select what policy we want with the coverage we want and leave Obamacare in
place so all citizens can have a real choice.
Obamacare or Freedom of Choice care.
Freedoms guaranteed by our constitution.
In addition,
we need catastrophic coverage available for those expenses that exceed our
insurance plan. As for those 26 year old
children still living in their parents basement, they should grow up, get a job
and purchase their own insurance, unless they are still in college learning the
benefits of Marxism, socialism and communism (AKA Progressivism). Naturally, if a student is in college and
cannot afford insurance then they could be under the parents plan.
As for
pre-existing conditions, we can set up a pool where a percentage of profit from
the insurance companies and $2 from insurance premiums be included in this
pool. This could also be part of
catastrophic coverage.
We must go
back to what Medicaid was originally set up for, the poor and low income and
not those that will be able to find coverage under the Freedom of Choice coverage. With Freedom of Choice, we should be able to
insure most citizens. We must also
remember, all states have local Health Departments.
So, we know
there are other ideas out there that can be done with the nuclear option in the
Senate and 418 votes in the House, but that would mean, you would have live up
to your promises, that we now know were just lies.
So again, I
would like to thank the Republican Party for being just like the Democratic
Party and lie, lie and lie. Anything to
get elected and maintain power over those who elected you. Rest assured though, change will come. It did with Trump and will with
As I am
writing this it is reported that baby Charlie Gard has been put to death simply
because according to the government of England, he would not have a quality of
life. So much for a single payer
healthcare that we know the democrats desire and many republicans want. Does this mean all our wounded veterans that
have suffered serious injuries that do not have a quality of life would be put
to death if our country goes to a single payer system where government will
determine what medical treatment you will or will not get? At least in England, we can rest assured that
many of these disabled veterans would be put to death rather than be a burden
on our medical system.
Just after
midnight this morning, Senator John McCain cast the decisive NO vote. As for
John McCain (I pray for a cure every day) I believe is the best democrat in the
Republican Party. What is interesting,
the same day, Friday, Sen. McCain and the other dynamic duo of Collins and
Murkowski, voted against changes to Obamacare, baby Charlie Gard died.
A last ditch “skinny” bill
to repeal portions of Obamacare (and defund Planned Parenthood for one year) failed to pass 51-49. Had McCain
voted yes, Vice President Mike Pence was available to break a potential tie
vote. Recall that Murkowski and McCain BOTH voted for partial repeal in 2015. And
don’t forget this campaign ad last year
that boldly stated: “John McCain is leading the fight to stop Obamacare.”
Apparently John McCain no longer approves that message. Seems to be the typical republican lies we have heard over the past 7 years.