Trump gave a
Foreign Policy speech the other day and listening to the speech one can
conclude that I was correct in saying that Trump flip flops on just about everything
he says. During the speech he makes one statement on military intervention and
then later on contradicts what he original said. That is why Cruz calls his out on his
constant changes and why Trump keeps calling Cruz, lying Ted. Trump does not like being corrected (Megyn
Kelly comes to mine) since he wishes to be the smartest person in the
room. This is the reason he will not
debate any more since he knows Cruz will eat him up since Trump is shallow when
it comes to government and foreign policy. Debates were easy when there were 10
to 17 candidates on stage. His knowledge is limited to the bribes he boast
about giving politicians for return in favors.
It appears he has surrounded himself for this campaign with people of
limited experience so he can remain the smartest person in the room. However, this does cost him since after he
gives a speech or make a statement, they must correct what he said and what he
meant. The North Carolina gender toilet issue
comes to mind where he made one statement in support of whatever toilet one wishes
to use to this is a state issue and there may be problems with genders using toilets
other than their present gender.
Confusing, yes, but Trump has been confused this entire campaign and
hides this my making outlandish statements and calling people names and using derogatory
comments about them. Trump is the Pied
Piper of candidates as he leads people into believing he is going to solve our
countries and world problems. Just leave
everything to him although he is clueless on how to do that, but to his
supporters, they are not listening, and he knows that.
Friday, April 29, 2016
Friday, April 22, 2016
The new Trump, or same old, same old?
So Donald
Trump is claiming that after he is selected as the Republican nominee, he will
change. So the rhetoric will change and
I guess all the promises he has made to his followers will change. So all you suckers that believe in The Donald
are being lied to. As he as indicated
previously in this campaign, he has changed his positions numerous times and
Ted Cruz has called him out on that.
That is why Trump calls Cruz, lying Ted, for telling the truth on The
Donald. All of us that have been
following this campaign know that Trump is very short on specifics on all he
claims he will do to “Make America Great Again”. But do not challenge him on that or he will
use his insulting rhetoric against you.
Trump is a little boy in a man’s world. He may be a great builder of buildings and
golf courses, but can only use rhetoric on how to build America back up. Details and specifics is what is required and
Trump is short on that information. Something
his loyal followers seem to be missing. One
must listen to what he says and does not say and you find out that Trump talks
a good line and that is all. (Obama has been doing the same thing) Besides, he
is not for the little guy. How many of
us can afford to live in his buildings or play golf on his golf courses. Unless you are in the upper echelon of income,
probably never. Trump is out for Trump
and wants to make “Trump Great Again”. We
can rest assured his business empire will be rolling in business if he gets
elected, just like the Clinton Criminal Foundation is rolling in money with
quid pro quo.
Since Trump
and Hillary are in the 70% unfavorable rating with the voters, if both are
selected as their party’s nominee, we are in for trouble as a country. We will suffer and both of them will not
whether they win or lose the election.
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Does sarcasm and insults make for a good president?
We have seen Donald Trump since we had 17
Republicans initially running for the presidential nomination and Trump has
insulted everyone. Now that it is down
to three, he has continued this assault.
Ted Cruz is known as lying Ted because Cruz exposed his hypocrisy on the
mixed statements he has made over the past year and his previous positions that
miraculously changed after he began his run.
He is now calling Hillary names. Calling people names hides his lack of
details on his positions. He makes
glorious statements on what he is going to do as president, but all his
statements lack details. So, the next
time Trump spouts a stand he is going to take, ask for the details. Of course his response will be, “you do not
want to know what I am going to do”. His
typical answer for somebody who is clueless.
We already have a clueless president and we do not need another.
Both Trump and Hillary average about 70% in
unpopularity and why would we want to elect anybody with that type of
rating? The voters in this country had
better wake up or we will be heading down the road to our destruction.
The democrats have handpicked their candidate
by using super delegates that flock to Hillary and the Republican Party do not
want either Trump or Cruz as their candidate since this is not who the party
elite want. They need somebody they can control and neither Cruz nor Trump are
in that mold. However, Cruz at least
gives details on his positions why Trump continues on the road to outlandish
untrue allegations against Cruz who has exposed his hypocrisy. Just think how world leaders will respond to
Trump as president. Trump already
complains about being treated unfairly because he cannot accept being
beaten. Putin will have a great time
with Trump.