In the 1930's we saw Neville Chamberlain, the then Prime Minister of Britain make statements that Hitler had no intention of going to war. Then it was okay that he invaded Austria since it was part of Germany (Prussia) years ago. So that was okay because Hitler did not want a war. Then he invaded Poland and all hell broke loose. We also knew there were reports of Jews and other being rounded up and shipped out to "camps", but were ignored until we saw for ourselves when we invaded these countries and opened these camps.
Now we see the 1930's repeating itself as the world leaders bury their heads in the sand when it comes to ISIS and Putin. The only way to stop evil is to confront evil. Under the Obama administration doctrine, if the United States does nothing, the evil will not spill over into other countries. This all from Dreams From My Father where his father hated England, United States and Israel among other countries. England because under the Prime Minister Churchill in 1954, troops were sent into what is called Kenya today, to put down a rebellion by tribes that were slaughtering fellow countrymen. That is why within three days of taking office, Obama returned the Bust of Churchill that England gave us after 9/11. Aside from the fact that his father also hated colonialism. Israel because the father believed if Israel did not exist, there would be no problem in the Middle East. Of course, one must ask the question on who was in the Middle east first, the Jewish religion or Islam? Last but not least is the United States that the father believed was the cause of all the problems in the world. The fact that if it wasn't for the United States we would all be speaking German or Japanese and all of Korea would be under communism as well as other areas around the world. Yes, we may have made errors periodically, but most of the time we are a force for good and when trouble happens either through conflict, earthquakes, and other weather events, we are usually the first country on the scene providing aid and assistance. Aside from the fact that we are also the most generous country in the world. But, under the Obama administration, we are the evil in the world. Our only hope is the citizens in this country wake up and the same for the news media or we are doomed.
Thursday, February 26, 2015
XL Pipeline
The spokesperson for the State Department alleges that the main problem with terrorist groups like ISIS is that they need jobs and without jobs they resort to violence. Well, it seems the unemployed in this country did not get the message since when we had an unemployment rate of 10% we did not witness beheadings, torture, rape, other killings and shootings. However, in keeping with the spokesperson's logic it seems the Obama administration has made the situation worst by not signing into law the XL pipeline legislation passed by Congress. Just think of all jobs we could have given ISIS to turn them away from terrorism. Well, another failure of the Obama administration.
But, then again, before Obama leaves office we will all be pressing #2 for English as his immigration policy of open boarders will put more of a burden on this country, both financial and legal. Even those Hispanics that are here legally, and are gainfully employed are upset since they went through the immigration process legally, have made a better life for themselves and may see all that disappear when these illegals apply for employment taking lower pay and forcing those here legally to lose their jobs or accept lower pay. This immigration policy is all about getting votes for the 2016 election, even if it destroys the financial stability of this country. It is all about remaining in power and control and the clueless voters in this country refuse to see this. But they will awaken when it affects them, but it will be too late. God help our country that we can survive thru 2016 and get all these corrupt, socialist, Marxist politicians out of government. I realize I mentioned God, but that is one thing the government will not take away from me.
But, then again, before Obama leaves office we will all be pressing #2 for English as his immigration policy of open boarders will put more of a burden on this country, both financial and legal. Even those Hispanics that are here legally, and are gainfully employed are upset since they went through the immigration process legally, have made a better life for themselves and may see all that disappear when these illegals apply for employment taking lower pay and forcing those here legally to lose their jobs or accept lower pay. This immigration policy is all about getting votes for the 2016 election, even if it destroys the financial stability of this country. It is all about remaining in power and control and the clueless voters in this country refuse to see this. But they will awaken when it affects them, but it will be too late. God help our country that we can survive thru 2016 and get all these corrupt, socialist, Marxist politicians out of government. I realize I mentioned God, but that is one thing the government will not take away from me.
ISIS versus Illegals
If you search the news that the Obama media will not report, you will realize you have a better chance of being a victim of an illegal than you do being a victim of ISIS. As I said many times, with the Obama administration, watch what they do and not what they say. So, crimes committed by illegals mount every day, but are not reported and unless you are a crime victim of an illegal, it most likely will not be reported and you will not know. What our government is not telling you and kill you.