Thursday, January 22, 2015
Today is the
42nd anniversary of Roe v. Wade and we have seen over 55 million babies
killed. We will never know how many of
those killed would have changed the world.
With the modern ultrasound machines, we know a baby has a heart beat
between 18 to 21 days. We also hear today from the Al Sharpton’s of the world
that black lives matter and yet we see between 36% to 40% of those babies
aborted are black. I guess, it only
matters if these charlatans‘can make money on the issue. With so many organizations out there that
will help mothers who are pregnant from financial and medical assistance to
adoption, there is no need to destroy life.
We deplore what ISIS is doing, but we protect the destruction of life in
the womb. Makes no sense.
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
State of the Union
Last night
we heard the president supposedly discuss the state of the union, but instead
he ignored the country’s problems and used the speech for the usual political
rhetoric that we have heard for 6 years.
Now after 6
years of what he calls a growing economy, he has decided to help the middle
class. But what I do not understand is
if the economy is so great as the president claims, then why all this concern
about the middle class since they should be enjoying such great success. Well, if the truth was told, the president
would tell you that the labor participation rate is the lowest in nearly 40
years, unemployment is below 6% because either people have dropped out of the
work force or have taken a part-time job or a low paying job that does not and
will not improve their financial situation.
president also wants to claim his policies are responsible for low gasoline
prices. However, his administration has
reduced drilling on government lands, and applied restrictions for those that
want to drill on government land.
However, all the oil boom from the Dakota’s is on private lands through
what we know as fracking, to the dismay of President Obama. But, he will claim this for his
administration. If this president ever does the truth, half this country will
suffer cardiac arrest.
Again, we
heard what we should be use to now, the usual tax and spend leftist rhetoric. This president took office when our total
deficit was only $10 trillion dollars and through his great economic policies
we now have a total deficit over $18 trillion and under his polices will
increase to over $20 trillion unless he is stopped. We cannot continue on the path. If we do, we will go bankrupt. And who will suffer? Besides everyone, the younger generation that
will have to live with wage decreases, high employment and inflation beyond comprehension. Instead of attempting to go on spending, this
president should be reducing spending and our deficit. By way, when he was running for president in
2008, he called it unpatriotic when our deficit was a mere $8 trillion. What would he call it today? He will just blame the republicans or anyone
else, but not his policies. Socialism
and Marxism polices combined with wealth distribution will destroy any country,
because you eventually run out of other people’s money.
He wants to
increase taxes on the rich or the top 1% that pay nearly 40% of the tax bill
already. Again you can only tax so much
before it does not work. Increases taxes
on businesses will also increase unemployment.
That is common sense as a business person has to make a profit to
improve his business as well as provide his family with an income. Under Obama’s plan, tax those who make money
to give to those who do not. Eventually,
people will stop paying for those who do not work hard and then what?
If you
listened to his speech, you also learned or should I say did not learn anything
on the terrorist threats throughout the world.
This president and his administration still cannot and will not say,
Radical Islamic Terrorism. God forbid we
upset these radicals as if we are accusing all Muslims of being terrorist. No, just about 50 million who think that way.
Under Obama’s
administration, the rich got richer by simple mathematics. With the FED doing QE (Quantum Easing ),
(essentially printing money) that keeps interest rates low and so the only place
to put you money to grow is the stock market. Interest on bonds are down and not a good
investment. Keeping your money in a
savings account will not grow you money either.
So, the stock market grows at the expense of the middle class who under
this economy are lucky to have an income at all. So investing in the market is not on their
priority list. That is why the FED must
be stopped and their books opened. Remember,
as I said many times, the FED is not a government agency, but a private
corporation. What you want to know, is
who makes up this private corporation?
It is not you or me. If the FED
would stop this QE and allow interest rates to rise, the stock market would
decline and would the Wall Street want that?
What Obama says, always look at the opposite. That is why, when he wants to go after the
rich, it is really the middle class that suffers.
Obama is responsible for the growing $18 Trillion debt, the high unemployment that
is really more like 9.6% if you include those who dropped out and those who are
working part-time. Oh yeah, increasing
the minimum wage will put more on the unemployment line. The minimum wage was not established as a
wage to live on, but more for part-timers, and those young people working after
school. So, don’t be fooled by this
foolish rhetoric. It will kill jobs and
increase the use of electronics replacing humans.
What we need
is an actual cut in spending, eliminating many government agencies. (Education,
EPA, Energy etc.) These agencies were
established by President’s Nixon and Carter, so they have not been around
long. Also, we need a move to a flat tax
of 17%, no tax on the first $25,000 to $35,000 income, no tax on SS to help
seniors. Also, this 17% will also pay
for Medicare and SS deductions rather than coming out of your pay check. Imagine, if everyone paid the 17% that would
be equality that this president talks so much about. If you make $1 million, you pay$170,000 in
taxes and if you make $50,000, minus the $25,000 or $35,000 you can see that
the more you make, the more you will pay in taxes. Now that is fair.
Friday, January 16, 2015
The World on the Precipice
Common sense
will tell you that not all Muslims are terrorist. But in today’s world, we see a high volume of
terrorist attacks in the name of Allah, the Muslim name for God. Now all religions believe in the same one and
only God. God may be called by a
different name, but there is only one God.
Those of us with half a brain know that God does not order his followers
to go out and kill those who do not believe in a particular faith, but that is
what many members of Islam are doing today that is being led by radical Islamic
Inmans that fan this flame of hatred. Yes, there were persecutions 100’s of years
pass by other religious groups, but they have all moved into the 21st
century years ago, but the followers of radical Islam want to live in the 7th
century. Convert, submit or die. Imagine if the Pope or other leaders of a religious
group told their followers to go out and kill all those who don’t follow their religion. There would be outrage in the media and by
members of that particular religion, but you can barely hear a pin drop from
those who speak out or write against this radicalization of Islam. After all, we do not want to offend these
followers, although it would be okay to voice objection and hold demonstrations
against any other religious group. Now,
why is that? Because you would not be
These groups
of terrorist are not following God and killing so called unbelievers, but are
following Satan. When the world awakens
and speaks out about who their real leader is, maybe we might see a change and
a backlash.
What we need
to see is when Muslims perform their call to prayer, maybe they should sing the
Let there be peace on earth
And let it begin with me.
Let there be peace on earth
The peace that was meant to be.
With God as our Father
Brothers all are we.
Let me walk with my brother
In perfect harmony.
Let peace begin with me,
Let this be the moment now.
With ev'ry step I take
Let this be my solemn vow;
To take each moment and live
Each moment in peace eternally.
Let there be peace on earth
And let it begin with me.
And let it begin with me.
Let there be peace on earth
The peace that was meant to be.
With God as our Father
Brothers all are we.
Let me walk with my brother
In perfect harmony.
Let peace begin with me,
Let this be the moment now.
With ev'ry step I take
Let this be my solemn vow;
To take each moment and live
Each moment in peace eternally.
Let there be peace on earth
And let it begin with me.
The world is on the precipice of a world calamity from
Putin’s military actions, Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons, China’s interest
in expansion all over Asia, India and Pakistan shooting at each other, the
growing threat of radical Islamic terrorism and our president’s administration that
believe if we bury our heads up our butt, everything will go away. Political correctness will get us all killed.
president and his entire administration as well as most of his fellow democrats
and his loyal supporters in the news media make the claim that GITMO is the
reason for a rise in terrorism in this world.
When looking at just some of the terrorist acts committed against us, I
can say they may have something there.
Think about it. In 1993 we had
the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, in 1997 the terrorist attack at
our embassy in Africa, in 2000 the terrorist attack on the USS Cole and the
9/11 terrorist attack. So this
administration may be onto something here.
Oh, wait a second, all those events happened before GITMO was
established. My mistake.
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Our next president
Our next
must be prepared to pick up the pieces that our present president leaves
behind. When our next president takes
office on January 20, 2017 he/she can expect the world to be turmoil, all of
Europe not only in turmoil, but economic demise, possible military
confrontation with Russia, a rise in anti-Semitic and anti-American sweeping
the countries of Germany and France if the radical groups take power. There will be more radical Islamic terrorism world-wide
with the United States their # 1 target.
of the economic mess Russia may see itself in, Putin will move militarily to
regain the Russian empire. His military
will push again into Georgia and Ukraine among other Eastern European countries
that were part of the former Soviet Empire before their collapse. Remember, that Putin maintains an 80%
popularity in Russia, so he can do almost anything under the guise of Russian
So, our next
president must have a full understanding of world affairs and potential for
conflict as well as domestic issues affecting the economy that includes,
businesses, monetary issues and out bulging deficit that should be over $20
Trillion by the time that person take office and all the government agencies
that are handcuffing businesses and individuals. We all know the only way to reduce this
deficit is to cut, cut, and cut some more. Reducing spending in all areas while
promoting legislation that will increase hiring and business expansion that
will bring more money into our coffers is needed. Raising taxes will not necessarily increase
our government income when no drastic cuts are made.
So, who will
that person be? Right now it is not Jeb,
Mitt or Chris Christie. Right now, I believe
the only person that I can rely on to set things right will not get the
nomination and is not running. To me,
Allan West is the man. He knows the
Middle East and Europe and has the brains to surround himself with the right
people unlike our present president who surrounds himself with similar ideology
and little if any experience in government. Children doing an adult job. Of course we really know who the president
is, and it is not Obama, but Valerie Jarrett.
This president speaks well with a teleprompter, but gets lost and
confused when speaking extemporaneously.
The old saying that behind every successful man is a women, is clearly
defined in this administration and Valerie Jarrett is that women. Of course her experience and knowledge is
non-existent, so what does that say about our president. Any you wonder why we are screwed. I hope we can survive the next two years. But, Since Allan West is a conservative republican and actually believes in our country and constitution as written, he will not have a chance as this would be offensive to the Karl Rove's within the republican party. They need someone they can control.
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Winston Churchill speech from 1899 on Islam
dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the
fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there
is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The
effects are apparent in many countries, improvident habits, slovenly systems of
agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist
wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism
deprives this life of its grace and refinement, the next of its dignity and sanctity.
The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his
absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the
final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great
power among men. Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities, but the
influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow
it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund,
Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread
throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it
not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science
against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might
fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome."
Sir Winston Churchill; (Source: The
River War, first edition, Vol II, pages 248-250 London). Churchill saw
it coming.
Monday, January 12, 2015
The President made a mistake
This seems
to be the cover line that press secretary Josh Earnest seems to fall back on
when the administration screws up, that is almost every day.
So the
president did not go to France with all the other world leaders and maybe that
is the reason why. It was for world leaders not followers.
After a
beheading, the president plays golf. The
next day after the Benghazi attack, the president went out on speaking
engagements and now because the football playoff games were on television, he
did not go nor did Vice-President, Secretary of State or even Eric Holder who
was there but left. You can rest assured
that today, Monday, with the College Football playoff game on TV, our president
will be inattentive to world happenings.
And next week, with the final division games in the NFL, he will be
unavailable. And of course, the Super
Bowl is on February 1. So, at least we
know how inattentive this president will be in the coming weeks.
These people
cannot admit that we are at war with Radical Islamic Terrorism. We know that not all Muslims are terrorism,
but if just 5% are leaning toward terrorism, that would be upwards of 50
million. We also know that the Inman’s
must speak out against these terrorist, but we also know some of these Inman’s
are supporters of these attacks. But, do
not worry as our president and his administration still have their heads up
their butts. Everyone with half a brain
knows we are at war with Radical Islamic Terrorist and this administration
cannot admit this. But have no fear, at
least they do admit something is happening.
But, they will not join forces with those who actually know what is happening. Why? As I said many times before, this president is sympathetic to Muslims since he was raised a Muslim and many believe still is. But, by the way, our ambassador to France did attend and she is so knowledgeable. She got the position by being a big fund raiser for the president. Thus, she is highly qualified. Stupid on world affairs, but then again, that is in keeping with everybody in this administration.
Friday, January 9, 2015
The Federal Reserve
In the last
week, we have seen the market reach 18,000 and then go up and down like a yo
yo. Well, the first thing you must
understand is that the Federal Reserve is not a government agency, but a
private corporation established under the Wilson administration by a group of
rich individuals from a meeting on Jekyll Island. An interesting read by the way. So, we have a private group in control of our
interest rates and monetary policy where those who organized the Fed from this
meeting, make money. If you do not think
so, you better check it out. We have the
chairperson, Janet Yellen, who makes the decision on what monetary policy we
will have. Quantum Easing 1 &2 was
just printing money or should we say electronic buying of bonds. When this is done together with keeping
interest rates down, we see the stock market rise. Now, remember printing money will eventually
destroy our economy. Germany did this in
the 1920’s and led to high inflation, destroyed the economy and led to the rise
of Hitler. Yes, as we have seen lately, depending
international conflict or a bleep in our domestic reports the market goes down,
but you can rest assured within a few days it will rise. Stock brokers and their companies, sell and
when it goes down to a certain amount, they buy what they sold when it was high
and buy when it is low. Making money and
you continue to get screwed. As long as
rates are low, the market will rise and that is the reason rates remain
low. That is also why we need to have the
Fed investigated and their books opened.
If you are not an investor, you get screwed if your money is in a
savings account. The Fed, a private
corporation is benefiting and you and I are get screwed.
But getting
our elected officials to do this is difficult.
You can guess why. But, I will
say, as a member of Congress you can get inside market information without any
legal complications. But if you or me
get inside information, we get arrested.
France Terrorism
As I write
this, the French government has taken out the terrorist in the two hostage
situations. Unfortunately, some of the
hostages were killed, but the terrorist were also killed. The reason this is good, is imagine the
debacle if the hostages were taken alive.
Any trial would drag out for years and our illustrious president would
probably make another stupid statement on protecting the rights of these
terrorist. If I had a son he would be
Now, we
heard our president make a statement on the original terrorist attack in France
that it was just an isolated incident by a few disgruntled terrorist. No way does anyone in this administration
ever state this is a result of Radical Islamic terrorist. Of course we also know that 9/11 was a few
isolated disgruntled terrorist and we know what happen then. Our president and his administration refuses
to state the obvious and continue to put their heads in the sand or should I
dare say, up their ass.
We also
know, our president was raised a Muslim for the first 20 plus years of his life
and has indicated in his book, “The Audacity of Hope” that he would stand with
his Muslim brothers if push comes to shove.
president is only concerned with campaigning around this country trying to sell
his economic and green policies that if you read between the headlines are not
working. But, as long as we have
clueless voters, and support of the mainstream media, he can say anything and
get away with it.
So, I can
say, it is time to protect yourself and you can decide what type of protection
you want. But remember the DOJ and other Obama cronies
are waiting in the wings to go after you for any charges they can think of
implementing. Like somewhere in your
pass life you may have said something derogatory against some ethnic group or
maybe you did poo poo in your pants when you were young that may have increase ground