Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Is this president really clueless?

President Obama likes to claim that he only learns about all his scandals from Fast and Furious to the VA through the news media.  Yet, when a Harvard professor was arrested, when Treyvon Martin was killed, this president held a news conference almost immediately.  When Jason Collins, an NBA player came out as gay and when Michael Sam came out and admitted to being a gay football player, this president was on the phone immediately congratulating them.  When Michael Sam was drafted, this president again called this player.  We now have a retired marine in jail in Mexico for 51 days so far, and yet we have heard nothing from this president.  I believe, if this marine could come out and claim he is a gay Muslim, I am sure the president would be on the phone almost immediately if not even sending Air Force 1 to pick him up.  When you have a president who priorities do not include this country, but the perks that go with being president, would you expect otherwise. 

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Attack on Christians

We have seen in the Middle East for the past few years, Christians being attacked and slaughtered, but no comment from the Obama administration.  In the Sudan, a women who converted from Islam to Christianity is going to be put to death for her conversion, no comment from the Obama administration.  Christian organizations are being forced by the Obama administration to pay for abortions and contraceptives in their insurance coverage, that is contrary to Christian beliefs of various organizations.  At the recent prayer breakfast, President Obama did not attend, but he has no problem holding a Ramadan service at the White House.  This administration has no problem in condemning acts of violence against Muslims but remains silent when Christians are involved.  This president's sympathies always seem to favor Muslims over Christianity.  We know he was raised a Muslim but claims to be Christian although he does not speak out against hatred toward Christians.  That is why in the beginning of his administration our conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan were Overseas Contingency Operations rather than what it really is, a war against radical Islamist terrorist.  This is also why information in training manuals for the FBI and military on Islamist terrorist have been removed.  God forbid we offend a Muslim, but offending Christians is fair game.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Pres. Obama and Global Warming Summit

So, President Obama holds a global warming, climate change or whatever they call it these days summit with compliant meteorologist that climate change is real and we must restrict our use of fossil fuels and coal.  Now no mention of all the coal fired plants that seem to be opening every week in China and India as well as other 3rd world countries that do not want to be 3rd world and burn fossil fuels.   

However, Sen. Harry Reid came to the rescue the other day when he blamed the Koch brothers for global warming.  With idiots like this in Congress and there are about 500 of them,  no wonder we are going down the tube as a country or should I say a free country. 

Sunday, May 4, 2014

WH scandals, Benghazi, news media

The media went ballistic with the Watergate scandal, Iran Contra and the Valerie Plame scandal. Now we know these all occurred during a republican administration. I doubt the reason the Benghazi scandal and all the other scandals that this administration is involved in is not covered by the mainstream media because we have a democrat in the WH. I mean we all know how fair and balanced all the media is when it comes to scandals in the White House.

Of course, my take on the Benghazi scandal is how involved is Valerie Jarrett. I believe she is involved in this investigation and many of the others since these scandals all had spin and she is the Queen of spin.   Being the very close adviser to the president she must make sure the president does everything the Chicago way.  We have one scandal after another and all ignored on the pretense that over time they will go away.  It worked in Chicago and why not nationwide. When you are in control of the Justice Dept. and all the other agencies involved in these scandals, and an inept House and democratic controlled Senate, why worry.  However, somehow I get the feeling that Sen. Harry Reid will find a way to accuse the Koch brothers for pushing the republicans into this Select Committee. 

Thursday, May 1, 2014

GDP, and more lies

The latest GDP was reported as .01% and naturally as always happens with the Obama administration, it was not their fault.  This time the low number is due to the severe winter.  Even though we know that climate change (AKA global warming) is a fact.  But only a fact when it meets their story line.  Now to improve this poor GDP, we need to spend more money, that we do not have and raise taxes when we have 1 in 5 families not working.  Obama Logic.  Of course if the truth be known, I believe in climate change, Spring, Summer, Winter and Fall.

It is amazing how this administration refuses to take responsibility for their failures.  Fast and Furious was the fault of the Bush administration when we all know this scheme was devised by Obama, Clinton and Holder with the hope the more guns in Mexico that had US origin and used in crimes, the more furor this would create as the administration could then push for 2nd Amendment restrictions.   

Benghazi was the fault of an internet video that nobody heard about to cover the Obama foreign policy failures.  We now have learned that this storyline came from the White House as it was important for the president's reelection that his failure in foreign policy cannot be front page news.  The fact that 4 US government employees, including the Ambassador had been killed had no effect on the administration's response.  After all, just 4 citizens and "What difference does it make".  The recent Email from the Freedom of Information Act indicates the White House, Clinton, Susan Rice and the minister of propaganda, AKA Baghdad Bob, Jay Carney were all aware of the video lie.    They all lied to the citizens to win an election.  Again, party first, lives not much. 


The IRS scandal had nothing to do with the administration, but the result of rogue agents in Ohio.  We now know that is not the truth and this administration has gone overboard to cover up this criminal conspiracy.  More lies to the American people.   

The NSA scandal spying on Americans was not what it looked like, since the NSA was only spying on alleged radicals.  Of course, their definition of radicals are returning vets, Christian, Conservatives, Tea Party members and anyone else who disagrees with this administration.  Base on the information Snowden released, we now know that was another lie. 

The AP scandal spying on news reporters that were reporting information detrimental to the administration was an error in judgment by lower level employees and a misunderstanding.  Another lie.   

We can go on and on with this administration and their lies, since everyday we hear another lie or deception.  But when and until the news media actually brings back honesty and integrity into news reporting and the clueless voters awaken, these lies will continue and the news media will see that it goes unreported.