And to make a final point, President Obama indicated many
times after some of the mass shootings, that we must engage in civil
conversation over inflammatory rhetoric.
Yet, we have seen this president and Sen. Harry Reid and Congresswomen
Nancy Pelosi engage in such inflammatory rhetoric by calling republicans
terrorist and anarchist. Yet, this is
the administration that refuses to call the Islamic terrorist that are killing
hundreds of people actual terrorist because they do not want to use
inflammatory rhetoric that might incite these individuals. Like these Islamic radicals need anything to
incite them. But it okay to call our
congressional representatives terrorist because they want to cut spending and
provide for the common good of its citizens.
Monday, September 30, 2013
Don't Blame Me for anything.
We have a president that is willing to meet with supporters
of terrorism from the governments of Iran and Syria and with Russia Prime
Minister Putin who puts up roadblocks to any Middle East solution, but will not
walk across the street to negotiate with republicans on budgetary issues, but
would rather see a government shutdown.
We see that his Middle East initiatives have been a failure and it seems
he likes to keep that average going for domestic issues. In his first four years, former President
Bush, Tsunami, mall kiosk's were the problem and today it is republicans in
Congress, Tea Party groups, Fox News and anybody else but the person he sees in
the mirror. Benghazi was blamed on a
video no one saw, Fast and Furious on Bush Administration, IRS scandal on rogue
agents in Cleveland, the AP and James Rosen spying scandal on no one even
though DOJ AG signed off on the search warrants which the AG denied any
knowledge. The NSA was just a few
thousand phone conversation and then we find out it was anyone with a cell
phone or Email. It seems this
administration believes 320 million citizens may be potential terrorist. Failure to take responsibility and the lies
associated with all these scandals continue and the news media refuses to
challenge the president's administration.
After all, how can we blame somebody who is infallible, walks on water
and came to save us from our constitution that he does not believe in.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Ted Cruz and the Filibuster
Ted Cruz engages in a filibuster to alert and engage the
American pubic on the medical and financial trouble commonly known as Obamacare
(AKA Affordable Care Act) that many people have discovered or will discover is
a train wreck waiting to happen and will not live up to its name as
affordable. Only those who have been
getting government freebies or the clueless are willing to accept government
controlling their health care options, doctors they can and cannot visit and
medical procedures they can and cannot receive. Remember, in order for this form of socialize medicine to work,
those who are healthy, mostly the young worker commonly known today as
millennials, are to pay the premiums for coverage they will not be using in order
for the older person to receive treatment.
Sought of like a Ponzi scheme. Money comes in from those who do not need
it for those that do. Generally, the
young worker is healthy and requires little or no medical treatment while the
older person does. But, as someone once
said in the Obama administration when this monstrosity of a bill was passed,
the key is for those age 15 to 55 that usually do not require much in medical
treatment and are at the most productive in society, are where we (government)
must concentrate our attention for treatment.
In other words, if you are sickly and younger than 15 or older than 55
that requires expensive medical treatment, then we must not spend the money
that will be costly medical treatment that could have an adverse effect on
controlling medical cost.
Remember, this bill was passed without anyone in Congress
reading the bill. The bill is 2700
pages with over 18,000 pages of regulations and the regulations are not
finished yet. A bill congress passed
and they and their staff are exempted from Obamacare. They received waivers and many other companies received waivers,
but you the American citizen are being told you cannot get a waiver and you
must be forced to come under Obamacare not us or our staff in Congress. Do you really believe congress should obey
the laws they pass? If you do, then you
better check your GPS to find out what planet you are own. If Obamacare is so good and it is the law of
the land, why the exemptions? Ask your
congressional representative, especially those that voted for this bill. No republican voted for this bill, even
though they suck as much as the democrats.
There will be 33 senators up for election in 2014 and 23 are
democrats, so call them and let them know, they will find themselves on the
street after the next election because of this train wreck coming on October 1,
2013. The democrats fear what Obamacare
may do to their election chances next year and now is the time to take action. Be silent and let government step all over
you or speak out and demand this bill be repealed. STOP OBAMACARE.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Our Amazing President continues
This president is at war with republicans in congress but
reaches out to the Iran and seeks a relationship with the Islamic
government. We know Iran is the world
sponsor of terrorism and is determined to bring terror to the United States and
Israel. Iran is also determined to
develop nuclear weapons and use that weapon against its' adversaries. And guess who their two main adversaries
are? The sanctions against Iran are
working and Iran will do their best to engage in talks just like N. Korea did
to get those sanctions reduced even though they have no intention of stopping
their nuclear program. Iran sees this
weakness in our international responses and our failure to respond in Benghazi
that has sent a message to all our adversaries. So, they will talk while continuing to engage in their efforts to
develop nuclear weapons. Remember when
watching one hand, what is the other hand doing.
One would think that our illustrious president would want to
reach out to the republicans for mutual understanding for the betterment of the
country working within our constitution rather than engage in divisive rhetoric
that will only cause the opposition to respond similarly. He talks tough on domestic issues, but is
spineless on world issues that will eventually result in confrontations that
only through strength can be avoided.
But, when these confrontations take place, he may not be in office or if
he is, he will not have the courage to respond with the appropriate force
necessary to accomplish the task. He
hesitated on the surge in Iraq, was not concerned with Benghazi but more
concerned with fund raising, shows more interest in the Treyvon Martin case,
but ignores the violence running rampant in the city of Chicago. He has demonstrated weakness and the world
governments both friendly and foe are well aware of this. He is, I believe, intentionally destroying
this country's leadership in the world and domestically through regulations
that are strangling business.
The IRS scandal, NSA scandal, EPA rules and Obamacare are
just three examples of this government moving to control every aspect of our
lives and dictating on how we must live.
Not to mention in our schools by forcing Common Core introduced into our
schools in brainwashing our children that government is the answer not your
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Simply Amazing
President Obama cannot handle or address foreign issues or
entanglements, and comes across as wussy, a wimp and spineless. The leaders of most if not all foreign
governments, both friends and foes, are well aware of this. That is why, our enemies will take advantage
of the country with no backbone and move to garner as much territory and
overthrow as many governments they can, secure in the knowledge that we will
not do much of anything other than use inflammatory rhetoric that we all know
is all talk and no action.
However, when it
comes to domestic affairs, our illustrious president speaks out inferring
racial prejudice and racial hatred and the republicans for all the failures in
his domestic policy. He cannot blame
the world for his international failures but uses republicans as a scapegoat
for domestic failures. Aside form the
Affordable Care Act that was passed when the democrats had the majority in both
houses, he has not succeeded in any additional legislation and even the budgets
he has submitted have been rejected by the democratic controlled senate. So, for the last 5 years, this president
even when he had control of both houses has not had to sign any budget, but has
seen continual resolutions one after another passed. He refused to compromise with the opposition party and it will be
his way or no way. Threats like these
and his failures to compromise is why legislation is not passed.
Taking personal responsibility for his actions, is not in
his DNA and he must blame everyone else for his failures. After all, we still hear former Pres. Bush
name being used as a scapegoat for his failures.
Who is going to take the blame when the Affordable Care Act
(AKA Obamacare) becomes unaffordable and the cost rises beyond even the most
exorbitant expectations. Remember, no
republican voted for this bill.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Obama, together with Vice-President Biden, Senators McCain and Graham and House
Speaker John Boehner all agree to sending weapons to the Syrian Rebels. Now we all know that the Syrian rebels are mostly
composed of radical Islamic groups that are opposed to the United
States and Israel and have on numerous times called for terrorism against these
two countries.
our illustrious president, vice-president and both senators as well as the
Speaker of the House took an oath to our constitution to defend our country
against enemies both foreign and domestic and not giving aid and comfort to our
enemies. Well, if we are going to give
aid (weapons and money) to Al Qaeda, Hezbollah, and other Islamic groups are we
not giving aid and comfort to our enemies that have sworn an oath to destroy
individuals should all be impeached for Treason as well as any other
Congressional members that supports this treason act. Just read the constitution as written and you will see it is
being violated and yet, no one is speaking out on events that will have severe
consequences to us and Israel.
also know that this president is a supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood and we
know how bad a group that is. In fact
there are members of the Muslim Brotherhood in this administration and one in
particular in Homeland Security and you wonder why our border has not been
learn more on the Muslim Brotherhood and how dangerous this group is, I suggest
you view It is time for Americans to awaken to
the threat this administration is creating to our country both through their
vicious domestic policies and their clueless international policies.
Foundering Fathers wanted a government that was not in control of it's citizen
and yet over the past nearly 100 years we see the government controlling
us. This has accelerated since Obama
has been elected and your liberties are in jeopardy. Unless you have just returned from Mars and have been gone for
nearly 100 years, you have no excuse
for being stupid.
Monday, September 16, 2013
This administration
During our presidents administration, we have had numerous
scandal and inaction on appropriate actions for all of the following.
Fast and Furious:
Gun running into Mexico where numerous weapons were allowed to be
purchased and then transported to Mexico that has resulted in the death of
numerous Mexicans and one border agent.
Of course, the DOJ that was deeply involved in this have not really
conducted an investigation since they were the primary culprits in the gun
Benghazi: We know 4
Americans were killed and one of the murdered was our ambassador and this
administration was more interested in the presidents campaign fund raising the
next day in Nevada then providing a military response to assist our citizens at
the Benghazi complex. We know that this
administration was involved in gun running to the Libyan rebels during
overthrow of their dictator and then they were attempting to locate and return
these weapons so they could give them to the rebels in Syria. There was also a ship in Turkey loaded with
weapons to be transported to the Syrian rebels that was part of the meeting
between our ambassador Stevens and the Turkey representative just hours before
the Benghazi attack. Neither our
president and our illustrious Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were able or
available to answer the 3 am call. We
know that the president was unavailable from 5pm on the day of the attack until
he arrived for his campaign fund raising.
We know the lie that this attack was the result of a movie, nobody heard
about previously. But not surprised
since our president will not take responsibility for anything that may place
his administration in a negative light.
We know there were military sources that could have responded within a
few hours and yet we hear from administration personnel that they would not
have gotten there in time. Yet, nobody,
but nobody knew how long the attack was going to last. But this is one of the arguments used by
this administration to defend their inaction. Of course we had the Secretary of
Defense Panetta claimed they did not want to send our troops into harms way
without knowing what was happening.
This is the intelligent statements this administration uses to defend
their lack of response when we know, our military are always sent into harms
way. That is what they are trained for
and that is why we try to provide the best equipment possible for these
actions. If this administration
thinking was used in WWII, we never would have seen Normandy, landings in the
Pacific, North Africa, Italy and across Europe. But, when you elect idiots and community organizers, this is what
you get.
IRS: We see and hear
that this scandal getting ready to explode since the leaking of Emails Lois
Learner sent warning about Tea Party groups that could cause problems in the
upcoming election and if the IRS could not resolve the problem, hopefully the
FCC can. This is this administration
using these agencies to attack their political opposition, that is grossly
illegal and is 1984 in the 21st century.
NSA: This agency is
also being used to spy on American citizens and is also being used by this
administration for political purposes.
This should make all citizens outraged and is a clear violation of the
1st and 4th Amendment. But we have an
administration that continually ignores the constitution and regardless of ones
political affiliation, should be deeply concerned since is one political party
can do this, so can the other political party if they take power.
Then we have the reporter James Rosen from Fox news and the
AP spying by this administration in a veil attempt to intimidate reporters from
reporting anything that would adversely affect this administration.
We have the Ft. Hood shooting that this administration
claims was workplace violence and yet everyone outside this administration that
has at least a partial brain knows that all information and investigations
point to this being a terrorist attack.
But, this administration is doing their best not to knowledge any terror
attack against our country. That is why
Benghazi was do to a movie and Ft. Hood was workplace violence. But, you can rest assured if the Ft. Hood
shooter yelled out Jesus is great instead of Allah Akbar, this administration
would have classified this attack as terrorism and put all Christian religious
groups on notice.
As of this writing, we are listening to the shooting at the
naval yard in Washington DC and hopefully the truth will come out on this
tragedy. But, we also know, Al Qaeda
has vowed to do attacks in this country.
But in either case, we can sleep secure in the knowledge that we have a
community organizer running our country.
As usual, he will not give much credence to this event, but will rather
discuss his administration's jobs picture.
But, we have less than 64% of people participating in the workforce, the
lowest in over 50 years. Such
greatness. This man is clueless. Then again, there isn't much we can say
about those that voted for him.
And last but not least we have seen the debacle in the Syria
crisis where again our community organizer was taken to task by the former KGB
Colonel and now head of Russia and has shown the world what we have occupying
our White House. The world now knows
and we had better be prepared for more unrest in the Middle East and Iran
developing a nuclear weapon and also the movement for a Caliphate of Middle
Eastern countries. We can also expect
to see China become more brazen in the Pacific and our community organizer will
be out giving teleprompter speeches.
Friday, September 13, 2013
Is it terrorism?
Check out the site. Do and copy and paste to your search engine.>Economic>Economic
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Comrade Vladimir Putin, former KGB murder writes
Comrade Vladimir Putin, former KGB Colonel and master of
eliminating people, imprisoning reporters and opposition leaders, invaded Georgia a few years ago, denies free speech that criticizes him, writes an op-ed in the NY Times criticizing the president
and our country. Criticizing the
president is a simple to do every time this president speaks away from the
teleprompter. However, claiming this
country is not exceptional actually is in keeping with remarks our president
stated when he went on his apology tour.
But we know that we are exceptional not because we are better than the
world, but because of our Constitution, Bill of Rights and our pursuit of Life,
Liberty and pursuit of Happiness through hard work and being all we can be by
applying ourselves to what we want to do and not rely on government taking care
of us from cradle to grave. However, we
know our president believes only government can help you. Think about that where you have inexperience
bureaucrats with little or no real work experience other than what they learned
in books or through radical professors and these people or going to tell you
how to live your life.
And finally, from an atheist we have our friend Vlad
invoking God in his op-ed. We have a
president that claims to be a Christian, but was raised a Muslim and only
attended a Christian church through the influence of his wife that did not go to
church either but wanted to get married in a church. That is why our president shows sympathy to Muslims groups and
does not come to the aid of Christians that we see persecuted in Egypt, Libya
and now Syria. But if Muslims and their
Mosques were attacked you can bet he would be out in front on voicing
Our administration is clueless on what is happening in the
Middle East and the fact that any moderates living in these areas are
outnumbered and will either be forced to leave or be imprisoned or killed. If you are a Christian, you better leave or
you will be see what the Jews went through under Hitler. Remember, the Muslim Brotherhood supported
Hitler and his persecution of the Jews and this will be happening to the
Christians as the radical Muslims push for a Caliphate. A Caliphate of all the countries in the
Middle East as one group of nations where their main objective is destroying
Israel and the great Satan, the United States.
Of course, we must understand that these radical Muslims
would like everyone believe they are dong God's work, but in fact anyone who is
religious, studies religion know that these radicals are doing the work of
Satan. God is love not hate and death.
It would be nice if we had people in our administration that had a
backbone and would stand up to threats to us instead of hiding through useless
rhetoric. Trust in God not
Government. He will save us if we turn
to him. Ignore God and we will be in
real trouble. Our Founding Fathers
believe they were driven by Divine Providence and His guidance in given us our
Constitution as a example to the world.
Monday, September 9, 2013
Fundamentally transform the United States
These words were uttered by the then candidate Obama in 2007
and a few days before the 2008 election.
Many did not pay attention to these words and today we are seeing
exactly what he meant.
Regulations upon regulations, racial divide, high
unemployment or even better less than 63% participating in the workforce, the
lowest in over 50 years. In essence his
domestic policies have been a failure if you look at his policies as citizen of
the United States who believes in hard work, and little government interference
in job creation and employers and employees.
Actually, this is exactly what this president wanted as he moves or
attempts to move this country into a more socialist society and socialist form
of government. Through the use of
executive orders and agency rules and regulations, he is accomplishing what he
A look at his international failures only brings his agenda
more into focus. His whole life he was
taught in school beginning in Indonesia and then through college here where he
was taught hatred of this country and that the United States was and is
responsible for all the problems in the world.
Not, communism, socialism, fascism, Marxism, radical Islamist, but the
United States. That is why he is doing
his best to degrade this country in all aspects that brought us success, reduce
our military, prevent further expansion of energy through drilling except he
has been unable to stop production on private lands, but he is working on that
by having the EPA and Dept. of Energy try and come up with roadblocks. Remember it was this president that want to
Brazil and gave them $2 billion dollars for deep water offshore drilling,
something he has prevented in our waters and added that the United States cannot
wait until the oil flows and we can become a big consumer of their oil. Yet all energy gurus have indicated that we
have more energy in the ground that all the other energy producing countries
and could be energy independent within a short time if we permit exploration,
but this president does not want that since it is not in keeping with his plans
to bring us down. That is why he runs
up our debt, soon to be $17 Trillion and no end in sight while the wimpy
republicans refuse to have a backbone and are more interested in keeping their
job rather than fight for the constitution and the oath they took to defend
this country from both enemies foreign and domestic.
Just research who this president has surrounded himself with
and you will see that they have little respect for this country, our history
and our constitution. Of course, that
will require a little effort to find the truth. Even though this
president is clueless on addressing international issues, as we have seen in
Egypt, Libya and Syria today as well as Iran in 2009, he is more sympathetic to
Muslims over Christians and Jews.
After, all we have seen and heard of numerous attacks on Christians and
their churches in the Middle East over the last 2 years and yet this president
has not spoken out against these attacks.
But, let someone attack a Mosque and watch the reaction. I hope we can survive the next 3 years of
his presidency and the spineless republicans who are suppose to be his
Sunday, September 8, 2013
On September 11, 2001, we saw a terrible attack on this
country by 19 Islamic radical terrorist that caused the death of nearly 3000
people and the destruction of the World Trade Center buildings and damage to
the Pentagon structure. As a result, we
have a war in Afghanistan, and Iraq, although Iraq, I believe is unrelated to
9/11. Now we know Saddam Hussein used
chemical weapons against the Kurds killing 5000 and both Iran and Iraq used
them against each other during their 10 year war. So, we know Saddam had WMD's but we also were using a no fly zone
over Iraq that was effective and I believe Saddam as cruel as he was, was a
buffer against Iran.
Now, starting this weekend we see a publicity campaign
showing video of children that were killed by the use of chemical weapons to
enrage our citizens and give this president the go ahead to initiate an
attack. It is like a campaign all over
again, but this time our president wants to use our military so he can save
face for his misspeak on stating crossing a red line. That is what this is all about.
About Pres. Obama saving face and
not really about chemical weapons.
But we also know, that out of the over 100,000 killed by bombs and
bullets, it is reported that at least 5000 have been children. So, where is the outraged from this
administration over these children.
That is why this Syrian debate is all BS and hopefully Congress will see
it that way or we will see serious consequences developing in the Middle East
that may result in a much expanded war that we do not need, do not want and
will be a real threat to Israel. What
will this president do if he launches an attack and Israel is attacked? That is the question that must be asked and
something this president cannot and will not answer. Not a good time for being Israel although we know that have the
weapons to take care of themselves and if things really get out of hand, who
knows, it may turn nuclear. As I said
previously, their mottos is "Never Again".
In 1993 we had an attack against the World Trade Center when
a massive bomb was set off in the parking garage beneath the building. As a result of this attack, then Pres.
Clinton did nothing. In 2000 we had the
attack on the USS Cole and again Pres. Clinton did nothing. We also know we had an attack in a disco in
Germany killing Americans and out embassy attacked in Africa during Pres.
Clinton's term I will admit we did launch cruise missiles and blew up a
threatening aspirin factory and a few camels.
We looked real tough on that event.
We also know in 1984 Islamic radicals attacked the marine
barracks in Lebanon and killed 250 marines.
Again, under Pres. Reagan we did nothing. Do you think we were sending a message to these radicals? And so we had what is now known as just
On 9/11/2012 we had the attack on our mission in Benghazi
killing our ambassador and 3 other Americans and numerous injuries to other
military personnel and we did nothing but blamed it on a movie nobody ever
heard about until then. We were lied to
by this administration and to this date, we still have not been told the truth
on what happen and where the president and Secretary of State were during this
attack. It appears neither one was
available for that infamous 3 am phone call.
But we do know, President Obama was up and about the next day for a fly
out to Nevada for a campaign speech while bodies of 4 dead Americans were in
So today we see our anti-war president, vice-president and
Secretary of State campaigning for a military strike against Syria and Bashar
Assad and his military for alleging using chemical weapons on his people. I say alleged since is can not be proven who
used the chemical weapons. We also know
earlier this year one group of these rebels got control of a chemical storage
site so to say who used the chemical weapon as of this time cannot be proven
and even the UN inspectors are not certain.
Friday, September 6, 2013
The "I" Man
When you listen to President Obama give speeches or his rare
press conference, it is all about him.
He always uses I did this, I will do this. I, I, I
and more I's. You must
understand that this president is narcissistic and it shows with every
speech. The only time he will not use
the word "I" is when something goes wrong and then he must
blame former president Bush, the republican congress, tsunami, mall kiosk,
hurricanes, and whatever else he or his staff can dream up to blame. This president does not take responsibility
for anything. That is why, last year
when he mentioned "Red Line" he had to change this year by saying he
did not say Red Line but the world and Congress did for signing the legislation
on banning chemical weapons in the 1920's.
This president will try anything to distance himself from
So, listen clearly next week when he addresses the American
people from the oval office and how many times he uses the I word or
blames others for the problems he caused.
Remember, if congress does not give him approval to use our military in Syria he will blame the republicans for any incidents that may occur in that country or to us around the world. But, also remember, he started this whole mess by opening his mouth and using the phrase "Red Line".
Whether you agree or disagree with our entering Iraq, President Bush had approval from Congress, the UN and at least 38 other countries supporting military action. In addition, numerous countries throughout the world claimed their intelligence agency also admitted that Saddam Hussein was developing WMD's. But, President Obama has finally realized that the world realizes he is not what he makes himself out to be and do not trust him. Especially, since he likes to lead from behind. We need leadership and not a community organizer who seems unable to organize nations to take action against Syria. No leadership and no trust. How far we have fallen in the last 5 years. Makes you wonder what our adversaries are planning next. 9/11 is coming next week and we have a loser leading us. May God help us.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
The Arab states have indicated that they would foot
the bill for us taken action in Syria.
So our troops will now become mercenaries. I do believe we have been giving many of these Arab states military
hardware for years in addition to training and yet, they do not seem to want to
engage their military force in Syria, but complain about Bashar Assad and the
internal conflict in Syria that they are afraid may spill into their countries
and cause problems for their regimes.
The Arab spring that this administration was so supported for, is
spreading and those involved are not friends of the United States, but they are
Muslims and it seems that President Obama is secure with that knowledge. Of course these Muslims are radicals, but
our president is a Muslim sympathizer.
Notice he has not responded to the attacks on Christians in these Middle
East countries, but if a Mosque was torched and Muslims killed, rest assured he
would be out in front putting his foot in him mouth again.
When is a Red Line not a Red Line?
Very simple to answer.
A Red line is not A Red line when President Obama says it is or is
not. This president is spineless and
this latest statement on him claiming he did not say a Red Line but the world
said a Red line is more BS from him to avoid responsibility. This president
realizes he as usual put his foot in his mouth and now he is doing his best to
distance himself from his own statement.
As usual, this president is blaming someone else for his actions since
he can do no wrong but it is always something else's fault. He cannot be trusted on anything and anybody
that supports this president on the Syrian issue can rest assured that at some
time he will blame Congress for giving him permission to attack Syria.
Also, everyone must understand, that according to the
constitution, Congress can declare war and it is the Commander-in-Chief that
can run the war as he sees fit. So, any
suggestion from this administration that boots will not be on the ground is
just a bunch of baloney. If the
Commander-in-Chief believes he needs boots on the ground, there will be boots
on the ground and everyone in his administration knows this as well as many if
not all members of Congress. So, in
essence, you are being lied to by this administration and our elected officials
that tell you otherwise.
Just think about this, when was the last time this president
and even his administration actually took responsibility for anything that may
have gone wrong? The answer is
never. As long as he has the news media
swooning over him and protecting him, you will not get the truth. Wake up and search for the truth and not
rely on our elected officials and especially this administration. The truth is out there if you get off your butt and not rely on someone else misleading you. And that includes what I write. Just check out and verify what you are being told. You may be surprised.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
One more on the Syria and Chemical Weapons
liberals and left (not that there is a different) are extremely upset over approximately 426
children being killed by chemical weapons in Syria and alleging it was done by Bashar Assad's military, but they feel no
pain when we have seen over 54 million children killed in the womb through abortion. I wonder if they would be upset if somehow
we were able to gas the baby in the womb?
I guess not since most of the children killed in this country by
abortion are not Muslim.
Congress and Syria Vote and Irate Liberals
Congress should vote NO on using our military in Syria. This is a civil war and any action should be addressed by the Arab League of nations and their military.
This President's action are a joked. No sooner than he finished his speech Saturday that he had to leave for his 2:30 pm Tee Time. Obviously, this is all political and not as serious as he has led us to believe.
Can some liberal explained to me the difference between chemical weapons used to kill 1500 people and 100,000 being killed by bullets and bombs. The 100,000 did not seem to irate the liberals as much, but using chemical weapons and they are up in arms and outraged. They are reporting approximately 426 children were killed by these chemical weapons, but how many children are included in the 100,000. Oh, excuse me, that does not mean anything to a liberal. I am sorry, I got carried away thinking that mattered. Let's see, Saddam Hussein gassed 5000 Kurds and nobody got upset, except of course the Kurds. In the Iran/Iraq war, both countries used chemical weapons against each other and the world just watched. Millions were killed in Rwanda and the world just watched, but gas 1500 people and the liberals go spastic.
Remember both sides in the Syrian conflict do not view us favorably and will turn against us at the drop of a hat. We have radical Muslims killing radical Muslims and yes as usual with these Islamic terrorist, the innocent will be killed. After all, they see nothing in blowing themselves up in Iraq, Afghanistan killing innocent people and the attempts they made in this country over the past few years. Life is cheap to these radicals and as far as I am concerned, this reduces the number radicals we will eventually have to fight. Believe me, that day is coming unless the so called moderate Muslims take action against these radicals. Something tells me we have a better chance of establishing a colony on Mars before that happens.
This President's action are a joked. No sooner than he finished his speech Saturday that he had to leave for his 2:30 pm Tee Time. Obviously, this is all political and not as serious as he has led us to believe.
Can some liberal explained to me the difference between chemical weapons used to kill 1500 people and 100,000 being killed by bullets and bombs. The 100,000 did not seem to irate the liberals as much, but using chemical weapons and they are up in arms and outraged. They are reporting approximately 426 children were killed by these chemical weapons, but how many children are included in the 100,000. Oh, excuse me, that does not mean anything to a liberal. I am sorry, I got carried away thinking that mattered. Let's see, Saddam Hussein gassed 5000 Kurds and nobody got upset, except of course the Kurds. In the Iran/Iraq war, both countries used chemical weapons against each other and the world just watched. Millions were killed in Rwanda and the world just watched, but gas 1500 people and the liberals go spastic.
Remember both sides in the Syrian conflict do not view us favorably and will turn against us at the drop of a hat. We have radical Muslims killing radical Muslims and yes as usual with these Islamic terrorist, the innocent will be killed. After all, they see nothing in blowing themselves up in Iraq, Afghanistan killing innocent people and the attempts they made in this country over the past few years. Life is cheap to these radicals and as far as I am concerned, this reduces the number radicals we will eventually have to fight. Believe me, that day is coming unless the so called moderate Muslims take action against these radicals. Something tells me we have a better chance of establishing a colony on Mars before that happens.