Sunday, July 29, 2012
Chicago Standards & Chick-Fil-A
So Rahm Emmanuel does not want Chick-Fil-A to open any more stores in Chicago because they do not meet Chicago standards. Well, when you think about it, Chicago standards were set by Al Capone and have continued ever since. I believe the Mayor was referring to corruption, crime, high murder rate and dead people that actually vote. Since that is how the Mayor measurers standards, I can agree that Chick-Fil-A definitely does not meet Chicago's standards. This is a company that believes in a moral business model and follows Christian standards and values which falls way short of what the Mayor believes. But then again why are we not surprised since he was Pres. Obama's right hand man.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
It's amazing!
But then again, would you expect otherwise? It seems the lamestream media does their best whenever a violent act happens in this country, to go out of their way to blame the Tea Party or people in talk radio. In this case, ABC news reporter, Donald Ross, following the liberal lie that is ABC, reports that James Holmes is associated with the Tea Party in Aurora, CO. This only goes to show how desperate they are to discredit any organization that is conservative, against the Obama administration or anything or person that is against the socialist democratic party that these news shows are associated with. An apology followed when they discovered that the Tea Party member was a 54 year old male and not the 24 year old Aurora shooter. But, rest assured that will not dissuade them from continuing their attempts to find any kind of fault with a movement that sees through their bias. Their rhetoric to protect the socialist politicians will continue and as such, organizations like the Tea Party will continue to expand in membership. Keep up the good work ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, Times, Post and other print media. You are doing the conservative movement a ton of good. And for that we thank you.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
President Obama's Logic?
Using President Obama's logic you cannot, will not and did not succeed in business by yourself. You had someone else or government as the reason you built your business and became successful. Now, using that absurd logic then Steve Jobs would not have created Apple since this was developed in his garage and if it was not for roads, we would not have cars and no cars, no garages where Apple was originally developed. Sounds really stupid, but then again what else can you say about what President Obama said except that he does not understand how business works and believes in the Marxist ideology that government knows best and creates everything. Hopefully, on November 7, he can look to create a job for himself and I believe we all will donate money in that effort. Of course, with his ideology, he can look in Cuba, North Korea and Venezuela where he will feel right at home. And we will not have to worry about him giving out secrets, since it is believe he is doing that anyway.
Friday, July 13, 2012
The AntiChrist, is he here?
Remember the AntiChrist is supposed to come and dazzle us with his words and deeds. Leading us away from God and to trust in him because he knows better and will provide our needs. Review what is happening today and the moral decay in our society over the years and one may wonder. Now, I am not naming names, but we see attacks on religion and who would have thught with the 1st Amendment protecting us what we thought was our religious liberty, we now see our leaders manipulating the system in an attempt to put pressure on religious organizations to either comply or pay a penalty that many organizations could not afford. Again, trust in me because I know better. Is he here now? Is it his minions clearing the path for his arrival? You decide.
Monday, July 2, 2012
Will I get taxed if....................?
Will I get taxed or pay a penalty if I keep my car more than 10 years. After all it may not be as fuel efficient as today's models.
Will I get taxed or pay a penalty if I do not buy a GM car. After all, don't we as citizens own part of GM.
Will I get taxed or pay a penalty if I own a firearm. After all the Obama administration cannot change the 2nd amendment on their own, so they will attempt to control firearms by placing a burden on ownership.
Will I get taxed or pay a penalty if I refuse to keep my thermostat at 78 degrees in summer and 68 degrees in winter. Remember, with the installation of Smart Meters by power companies, they will be able to monitor your electrical usage every minute of every day and if you exceed their estimated usage during peak times (what they consider peak times), they will have a special rate for that time period.
Will I get taxed or pay a penalty if I prefer eating foods that the government may consider unhealthy although I may not feel that way. After all, isn't the FDA and Michele Obama on the warpath to determine by themselves what we should and should not eat. Remember in NYC as well as other cities, you cannot have salt on the table and now they will restrict the size of your drink.
Our Founders knew what government intrusion into our lives was during their time and it seems we have forgotten why we had the American Revolutionary War. We did have government of the People, For the People and now we moved towards a government control of the people that we fought against in 1776. Socialism has failed in every country in the world throughout history and we will see the eventual collapse in Europe. You can only sink so much money into a failed operation before you realize it will not work. Just look at all the green energy companies that the Obama administration sank money into only to see them file for bankruptcy. As Thomas Jefferson said " Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves are its only safe depositories".
Former British Prime Minister had it right when she stated " 'The trouble with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money".
This is why our Declaration of Independence states "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness…………………..That government derive their just powers from the consent of the governed. We now have reverse these rolls by permitting our elected officials on both sides of the aisle to force government down our throats. Government powers were suppose to be limited and the 10th amendment delegated powers not delegated to the U.S. Government are reserved to the states. This was demanded by the 13 colonies or they would not have signed and approved the Constitution.
Will I get taxed if…………………add what ever you want since I am sure the Obama administration and Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid will think of something else to tax. The old saying holds true today, "If it moves, tax it."