Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Wall Street Protestors
The wall street protestors have the support of the Nazi party, communist party, socialist party, Marxist, skin heads and other radical groups and to this the democrats and President Obama have thrown their support. These protestors would like to destroy this country as we know it and give us a socialist/Marxist country that has never succeeded wherever it has been tried. Just remember the Soviet Union and now Cuba, and Venezuela as well as Europe that is finally realizing that a socialist society cannot afford the freebies and will eventually collapse under its own socialist weight. Most of the wall street protestors are losers who desire the government to take care of them from cradle to grave with no concern on who will pay for it. This is entitlement gone amuck. Get off your ass and if you bust your butt you can succeed in this country. You may not become a millionaire, but you can have a decent lifestyle that has been the envy of the entire world. That is why people for years have done their best to come to this country either legally or illegally. Remember, the socialist/communist countries of the cold war had to build walls to keep their people from fleeing. Even Cuba still tries to keep their people from fleeing. Socialism/Communism is a complete failure, but today's colleges with their socialist professors are still trying to sell this idea by claiming this ideology was never done right and they can do it correctly. Capitalism is the ideology that works. It is not a perfect system, but if you push yourself, you will be successful. Remember, many successful entrepreneurs had more failures than successes. This includes, Edison, the recent decease Steve Jobs, founder of Wendy's, the Kentucky Colonel (KFC) as well as many others. With success there are failures, but if you keep on plugging, you succeed. Something the wall street protestors don't understand since they want everything handed to them. They are becoming the dregs of society. Losers hanging out with losers. Ther perfect setup for the Marxist, communist etc to sign up. Of course, the socialist/Marxist ideology of Obama does not help.
Job Bills
It seems when Obama pushes his job bill, just like his stimulus bill, he says it will help hire teachers, firemen and police officers. No mention of secretaries, office workers, mechanics etc. It is all about hiring union workers so more money can flow back into the democratic party through union dues and union political support. Remember, under the original stimulus bill, you had to hire union workers. It is all about filling the democratic political machine with money that really comes from the taxpayers.