America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its Patriotism, its morality and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within.
Joseph Stalin
Like it is coming to past unless we continue to have our voices heard. You can thank the ACLU, that was originally and may still be, supported by the communist party. ACLU has taken the lead in their attempts to wipe out our freedoms and the jerks that our elected officials put into the court system go along with their agenda. It seems our justice system has no clue what the constitution actually says and what the Federalist Papers give for the reasons the constitutions was written they way it was. We have buried our heads in the sand long enough. Next years election will either be the final nail in our coffin or we will reverse our direction. I hope and pray. At least we can still pray, I think.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Is Obama a Socialist?
This question was raised at the Tuesday show, The Five on Fox, and there is a good reason for making that claim. President Obama's father was an anti-colonist with socialist leanings and believed in welfare state capitalism. "The market produces wealth and the government takes an active role in redistributing it." Barack Sr.'s words, not mine. His mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, was socialist leaning also and thought her second husband Lolo was a socialist. However, Barack's step-father saw the light and became a capitalist later in life and became pro-American which did not sit well with President Obama's mother and that is why she left his step-father. President Obama was raised by his grandparents, Stanley and Madelyn Dunham, both admitted communist and introduced President Obama to his mentor, Frank Marshall Davis. Mr. Davis was a black radical and a member of the communist party. When in college, President Obama sought out the radicals to associate with. The Presidents words, not mine. So, it easy to understand why President Obama's ideology is socialist leaning and appears to be striving towards the European model of socialism, that we see today and has created many problems in Europe. Is President Obama a socialist? The answer, based on his 2 1/2 years in office and the programs he pushes, one would have to say yes.