Thursday, May 5, 2011
Obama, Usama and Indecision
It is reported that we had good intel that Usama was in Pakistan back in the fall of 2010 and have been preparing for the compound raid since February and it would appear that one would think we would have all our ducks in a row when it would come to photos or other questions that the news media or countries would ask. However, the so called elitist and statist that exist in the Obama administration still have no clue on how to respond to his raid. It is now Thursday, the event took place on Sunday and everyday we get a different version of what happen. Also, one day Obama administration is releasing photos and next day it has not decided and now another day it will not release photos. One day, CIA director Leon Panetta gives one version of the event and how information was obtained as to the whereabouts of Usama and then Obama, Hillary and the minister of propaganda Carney gives another version. And this administration wonders why they are falling in the polls. They are in over their heads and the American public are finally awakening.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Usama Burial
We kill Usama Bin Laden in a raid. An individual who was the mastermind of 9/11 who showed no mercy to all those who were killed and yet, we must be political correct and provide a burial according to Muslim beliefs. If this isn't the height of hypocrisy nothing else is. It is okay for the Muslims to drag the bodies of our soldiers in the street or hang bodies of Americans on a bridge in Iraq and burn them. But we must be politically correct. Shame on this administration. But why are we not that surprised? It is becoming more obvious that Obama's sympathies lie with Muslims rather than with the Judeo/Christian principles we were founded upon. I am sorry to say that. November 2012 cannot come fast enough and we must not forget this.