Saturday, March 19, 2011
Constitutional of No Fly Zone
If my memory is correct, Presidents Clinton and Bush both had Congressional approval when they requested "No Fly" zones during their administrations. President Obama has only UN approval and the UN does not dictate to us as a sovereign nation with a constitution what our military can or cannot do. Congress must give approval. Is Glenn Beck correct when he says the Obama administration has made Congress irrelevant? If that is the case, we have a constitutional crisis as well as dictator in the making.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Open letter to John Boehner
Remember talk is cheap. Republicans are being watched through the looking glass by both democrats as well as those of us who actually vote. Budget cuts are a priority and 60 billion is just a small drop in the bucket. Do not give in to the rhetoric we hear from the democrats and their liberal friends. A government shutdown is not the worst thing to happen, but the voting public must know that this will not affect essential services or hurt those on SS or Medicare. We cannot continue with continual resolutions for the entire year. We must decide if we are seriouis on cuts or just going through the motions to satisfy the voters who supported the Republicans in November. If that is the case, there will be changes come the next election. Deep cuts are needed and if the Senate will not go along then they will be responsible for the gov. shut down and not the Republicans. Now for the 2012 budget we must see at least $400 to $500 billion in cuts. Sen. Rand Paul and Michele Bachman have it right. In addition we must eliminate the $105 billion the Dems put in Obamacare. If we don't stand our ground, this country will become a 3rd world country which is exactly what Obama wants since it reflects the Dreams from his Father as he spelled out in his book. Live up to what the Republican ran on in November on cutting the budget and you will see tremendous support from the Tea Party groups as well as us working to see another Republican sweep in 2012. Failure is not an option. The future of our country that we grew up with is at stake and it appears that the Dems are more concerned with appeasing their liberal factions rather than saving this country.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Our weak President
Since WWII the United States has been the world leader when it comes to world events whether it is so form of humanitarian relief or flexing our military muscle just by being the area of conflict without using our force. Many times, just the threat of our military use of force has at times sent the message. Through our leadership, we have led other nations where conflict has been required use of our military. Example: Korea, Operation Desert Storm, Kosovo, and many humanitarian efforts that are too numerous to mention. Yet, we have President Obama who cannot lead, refuses to take the lead on world issues and will only respond when either NATO or the UN votes unanimously. When was the last time we had a unanimous vote from these groups. When necessary, the world turns to the United States, but our President will not lead. This is noticed by both our friends and enemies and provides the perfect opportunity for both friends and enemies to take advantage of situations. We have become a joke to the world. If the media had actually reviewed Obama's record in the state legislature and Congress they would have seen a clear indication of his lack of leadership. He wants to be president for all the perks and notoriety, but does not have the cayonnes to take any action. Hopefully, he will be only a one term president.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Eric Holder should resign/Article From Wash. Times
Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. should resign. He is a disgrace to his office and to his country.
Mr. Holder is a race baiter. On Tuesday, he testified during a House Appropriations subcommittee hearing on the voting rights case involving members of the New Black Panther Party. In the 2008 election, Black Panthers - dressed in military fatigues and wielding a club - threatened voters at a Philadelphia polling station. They denounced the voters as “crackers” and vowed those voters would not be allowed to help defeat then-candidate Barack Obama. Their goal was to bully and intimidate. This was a clear case of violation of voting rights. Such behavior may occur with impunity in banana republics - not in the world’s leading democracy.
Rep. John Culberson, Texas Republican, confronted the attorney general, demanding to know why the Justice Department refused to prosecute the Black Panthers - especially considering they were caught making the menacing gestures on tape. Mr. Holder shamelessly played the race card. He claimed to take offense at comments by civil rights activist Bartle Bull, who called it the most serious example of voter intimidation he had ever seen at the polls.
“When you compare whatpeople endured in the South in the ‘60s to try to get the right to vote for African-Americans, to compare what people subjected to that with what happened in Philadelphia … to describe it in those terms I think does a great disservice to people who put their lives on the line for my people,” Mr. Holder said.
Excuse me - his “people”? This is one of the most outrageous - and divisive - statements by a senior government official in recent memory. His people are and should be the American people - all of us.
Mr. Holder is the nation’s top law enforcement officer. His duty is to uphold the law and apply it fairly and equally to everyone - regardless of race. In other words, his job demands that he be colorblind. By his own words, he has shown he is unfit for the position. He is a racial tribalist - race trumps justice. When he talks about his people, Mr. Holder sounds like the grand wizard of a black Ku Klux Klan.
This is not the first time Mr. Holder has made offensive racial comments. In 2009, he claimed that when it comes to discussing race, Americans are “a nation of cowards.” He said in a 1996 interview with The Washington Post that regardless of how “affluent, educated and mobile” a black person becomes, “his race defines him more particularly than anything else.” In other words, according to Mr. Holder, no matter how successful and integrated blacks are in U.S. society, they will always be victims; racial solidarity must supersede their American identity.
Mr. Holder is deliberately evading questions about the Black Panther case. He is guilty of nixing an investigation into blatant voter intimidation because the culprits were black - and the victims white. He refuses to answer questions directly or release documents about the decision-making process that led the Justice Department to drop much of the case. In particular, he refuses to answer whether Deputy Assistant Attorney General Julie Fernandes instructed her subordinates to pursue only civil rights investigations involving victims who are black. Mr. Holder is stonewalling in a desperate attempt to cover up his race-based policies.
Mr. Holder is a product of the 1960s. He embodies radical chic, the belief that America is based on racial domination and capitalist exploitation. The reason he refuses to go after the New Black Panthers is that he largely shares their worldview. The original Black Panthers were fascists. They championed black nationalism, racial supremacy and economic collectivism. Their aim was the violent overthrow of the “white power structure.” In short, they were the very opposite of Martin Luther King Jr., who espoused nonviolence, assimilation and the creation of a truly colorblind society.
Since the late 1960s, however, black racial separatism has been growing. The New Black Panthers are the direct descendants of it, as are Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. They are race baiters who seek to erect an ethnic spoils system that will balkanize America. Mr. Holder is a polished version of Mr. Sharpton. Despite the fancy suits and lawyerly demeanor, Mr. Holder embraces the same destructive ideas: black nationalism, anti-Americanism, state socialism, support for affirmative action and racial quotas, and the politics of grievance and victimology.
The attorney general insists on making false - and inflammatory - comparisons to the civil rights movement. No one is saying that the Black Panther case is akin to segregation in the South or that whites are systematically being denied the right to vote. Rather, the New Black Panthers are thugs. Their actions represented a fundamental assault on our democracy.
When it comes to America’s mortal enemies - such as Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the mastermind of the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001 - Mr. Holder goes out of his way to defend their rights. This includes supporting efforts to have Mohammed tried in a civilian court. Hence, Mr. Holder thinks jihadists are entitled to full constitutional protections while peaceful, law-abiding Americans exercising their God-given right to vote are not - especially if they are white and possibly pro-Republican.
Mr. Holder lacks the character or competence to be attorney general. He has abused his office and violated his sacred oath. Like other practitioners of racial politics - white, black and Latino - Mr. Holder acts as if everything begins and ends with race. This is a form of intellectual and moral corruption that threatens the very long-term unity of America. This kind of black nationalism is poisonous to the nation’s bloodstream. It is divisive, destructive and dangerous. And it is why Mr. Holder must go.
Jeffrey T. Kuhner is a columnist at The Washington Times and president of the Edmund Burke Institute.
Mr. Holder is a race baiter. On Tuesday, he testified during a House Appropriations subcommittee hearing on the voting rights case involving members of the New Black Panther Party. In the 2008 election, Black Panthers - dressed in military fatigues and wielding a club - threatened voters at a Philadelphia polling station. They denounced the voters as “crackers” and vowed those voters would not be allowed to help defeat then-candidate Barack Obama. Their goal was to bully and intimidate. This was a clear case of violation of voting rights. Such behavior may occur with impunity in banana republics - not in the world’s leading democracy.
Rep. John Culberson, Texas Republican, confronted the attorney general, demanding to know why the Justice Department refused to prosecute the Black Panthers - especially considering they were caught making the menacing gestures on tape. Mr. Holder shamelessly played the race card. He claimed to take offense at comments by civil rights activist Bartle Bull, who called it the most serious example of voter intimidation he had ever seen at the polls.
“When you compare whatpeople endured in the South in the ‘60s to try to get the right to vote for African-Americans, to compare what people subjected to that with what happened in Philadelphia … to describe it in those terms I think does a great disservice to people who put their lives on the line for my people,” Mr. Holder said.
Excuse me - his “people”? This is one of the most outrageous - and divisive - statements by a senior government official in recent memory. His people are and should be the American people - all of us.
Mr. Holder is the nation’s top law enforcement officer. His duty is to uphold the law and apply it fairly and equally to everyone - regardless of race. In other words, his job demands that he be colorblind. By his own words, he has shown he is unfit for the position. He is a racial tribalist - race trumps justice. When he talks about his people, Mr. Holder sounds like the grand wizard of a black Ku Klux Klan.
This is not the first time Mr. Holder has made offensive racial comments. In 2009, he claimed that when it comes to discussing race, Americans are “a nation of cowards.” He said in a 1996 interview with The Washington Post that regardless of how “affluent, educated and mobile” a black person becomes, “his race defines him more particularly than anything else.” In other words, according to Mr. Holder, no matter how successful and integrated blacks are in U.S. society, they will always be victims; racial solidarity must supersede their American identity.
Mr. Holder is deliberately evading questions about the Black Panther case. He is guilty of nixing an investigation into blatant voter intimidation because the culprits were black - and the victims white. He refuses to answer questions directly or release documents about the decision-making process that led the Justice Department to drop much of the case. In particular, he refuses to answer whether Deputy Assistant Attorney General Julie Fernandes instructed her subordinates to pursue only civil rights investigations involving victims who are black. Mr. Holder is stonewalling in a desperate attempt to cover up his race-based policies.
Mr. Holder is a product of the 1960s. He embodies radical chic, the belief that America is based on racial domination and capitalist exploitation. The reason he refuses to go after the New Black Panthers is that he largely shares their worldview. The original Black Panthers were fascists. They championed black nationalism, racial supremacy and economic collectivism. Their aim was the violent overthrow of the “white power structure.” In short, they were the very opposite of Martin Luther King Jr., who espoused nonviolence, assimilation and the creation of a truly colorblind society.
Since the late 1960s, however, black racial separatism has been growing. The New Black Panthers are the direct descendants of it, as are Louis Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. They are race baiters who seek to erect an ethnic spoils system that will balkanize America. Mr. Holder is a polished version of Mr. Sharpton. Despite the fancy suits and lawyerly demeanor, Mr. Holder embraces the same destructive ideas: black nationalism, anti-Americanism, state socialism, support for affirmative action and racial quotas, and the politics of grievance and victimology.
The attorney general insists on making false - and inflammatory - comparisons to the civil rights movement. No one is saying that the Black Panther case is akin to segregation in the South or that whites are systematically being denied the right to vote. Rather, the New Black Panthers are thugs. Their actions represented a fundamental assault on our democracy.
When it comes to America’s mortal enemies - such as Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the mastermind of the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001 - Mr. Holder goes out of his way to defend their rights. This includes supporting efforts to have Mohammed tried in a civilian court. Hence, Mr. Holder thinks jihadists are entitled to full constitutional protections while peaceful, law-abiding Americans exercising their God-given right to vote are not - especially if they are white and possibly pro-Republican.
Mr. Holder lacks the character or competence to be attorney general. He has abused his office and violated his sacred oath. Like other practitioners of racial politics - white, black and Latino - Mr. Holder acts as if everything begins and ends with race. This is a form of intellectual and moral corruption that threatens the very long-term unity of America. This kind of black nationalism is poisonous to the nation’s bloodstream. It is divisive, destructive and dangerous. And it is why Mr. Holder must go.
Jeffrey T. Kuhner is a columnist at The Washington Times and president of the Edmund Burke Institute.