Monday, February 28, 2011
Then and now
During the Bush administration when gasoline prices exceeded $3.00, Pelosi and Reid could not talk enough on how Bush was responsible for this increase. Yet, as gas continues to rise pass $3.00 and by Memorial Day will exceed $4.00, we don't hear a peep from them. Drill here and drill now is the way to go, but we know all Obama wants is a vehicle with a solar panel on the hood, sail on the roof and a windmill on the trunk and hope for the best. Sun and wind.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
The 3AM Calll
During the 2008 presidential election, candidate H. Clinton ran an ad about the president receiving a call at 3 am and how would the president respond. In the last couple of weeks, we had numerous 3 am calls and we now know the answer. Neither Obama or Clinton have a clue. Instead of taking the lead, Obama sits on his hands while Clinton gives speeches that conflict with what she said previously or what other members of the administration say. Under Obama, this country no longer leads, but we now wait to see what the UN will say. And we know that organization is useless. Or is it this administration that is useless. Here we have a situation where the worlds oil supplies may be shut off and yet we do not see any push for drilling so we can be self-sufficient. Imagine how our economy would be if the $900 Billion that we send overseas to buy oil actually stayed in this country. Under Obama, we will never know. Hopefully, we will survive this debacle. At least we better start praying we do.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Does not Mix
Concerning the unrest in the Middle East, one must remember that Islam and Democracy are at opposite ends of the spectrum. They just don't mix
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Obama and Florida
One thing we will not have to worry about is Obama living in Florida. Since Florida requires a birth certificate to get a drivers license.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Obama does it again
President Obama and Hillary Clinton have now told the government in Egypt that they must listen to the people of Egypt. It seems quite ironic that they say this when for the past two years, they have not and will not listen to the American people. Do they really think we are that stupid. Well on one hand you could say yes since 53% of the voters put them in office. But do as I say and not as I do seems to apply here.
We also have Wikileaks releasing information that in order to get Russia to sign on to the START treaty that they divulged military secrets of England against the wishes of the British government. Now the world knows that nothing is secret when dealing with the Obama administration. Will the lame stream media report this?
We also have Fox news, Bill O'Reilly doing a 15 minute interview of Obama on Super Bowl Sunday and will he discuss the above two items? I doubt it. The last time O'Reilly interviewed Obama, he likes to think he did a tough interview, but to me he gave him a pass. Since it is a live interview, he should asked the tough questions since Obama will not have a teleprompter to help him with the answer and he will react the same way the minister of propaganda, Robert Gibbs, does by just stuttering and avoiding answering the question. We will know what happens on in the next 26 hours.
We also have Wikileaks releasing information that in order to get Russia to sign on to the START treaty that they divulged military secrets of England against the wishes of the British government. Now the world knows that nothing is secret when dealing with the Obama administration. Will the lame stream media report this?
We also have Fox news, Bill O'Reilly doing a 15 minute interview of Obama on Super Bowl Sunday and will he discuss the above two items? I doubt it. The last time O'Reilly interviewed Obama, he likes to think he did a tough interview, but to me he gave him a pass. Since it is a live interview, he should asked the tough questions since Obama will not have a teleprompter to help him with the answer and he will react the same way the minister of propaganda, Robert Gibbs, does by just stuttering and avoiding answering the question. We will know what happens on in the next 26 hours.