Now that the Obama administration has taken control of GM and immediately fired Wagoner, the head of the company, we all cannot wait to watch the demise of GM. Right away this administration has directed what vehicles they can and cannot produce. This will guide many purchasers to seek vehicles from other manufacturers like FORD. Ford and the other foreign manufacturers will benefit. If the Obama administration believes that buyers over 6 feet tall will purchase small vehicles he obviously hasn’t got a clue. But then again, most of us knew that.
By the way, when was the last time the government ran anything for a profit? They cannot even balance the budget, watch over AIG, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and read the stimulus package.
You think maybe we could follow the government’s lead and fire our elected officials in Congress and the Senate. We can get rid of 435 Congressman in November 2010 if we exercise our vote properly. But then again, since 50% of the voters don’t understand the issues or what the candidates stand for, I doubt it. Maybe we should require an issue qualification test before people can vote.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Bailout or Political Payback
Well it appears we are going to try another stimulus package for the auto industry. The real question is, is this to help the auto industry or political payback to the UAW for their support during the presidential campaign? Whether you know it or not, our tax dollars are being used by the president and Congress for political payback for union support of Democratic candidates. So if you are employed, keep working hard and if you can, get a second job so the government can collect more of your tax dollars for thier political causes. It would be so much better for the auto industry to declare bankrupcy and reorganize to become a more streamlined industry that would be able to compete with foreign auto manufacturers. But that would mean a change in UAW contracts, and we know that will never happen. So we will just keep pouring good money into bad businesses. Why not, since it is not the government's money, but the taxpayers and we can always increase the workers taxes to pay for all this spending. Remember, socialism by any other name is still socialism.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Wake up America
It is no longer called the “War on Terrorism”, but as Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano called it recently, “Man Caused Disasters”.
We now are thinking of releasing the Gitmo detainees into the USA giving them public assistance so they can get back on their feet. What they really mean is to buy weapons and kill more Americans.
We now will not call the replacement to the Twin Towers, the Freedom Tower since some governments might get upset and will not rent any space in the building that is called freedom. I guess we could call the building “Slave and Bondage Towers”.
It appears under the Obama administration the word “Terrorism” may be offensive to some country or groups and we must be nice to these people even though they have sworn to annihilate us.
Is this country going wacko?
We now are thinking of releasing the Gitmo detainees into the USA giving them public assistance so they can get back on their feet. What they really mean is to buy weapons and kill more Americans.
We now will not call the replacement to the Twin Towers, the Freedom Tower since some governments might get upset and will not rent any space in the building that is called freedom. I guess we could call the building “Slave and Bondage Towers”.
It appears under the Obama administration the word “Terrorism” may be offensive to some country or groups and we must be nice to these people even though they have sworn to annihilate us.
Is this country going wacko?
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Budget and Country First
I think it is about time to put the brakes on all this spending including this massive budget request. We must trim Obama's budget request not by billions but by trillions. We cannot afford all this spending for the programs he wants. They may sound good, but not at this time. We must function and govern within our means, just like the average citizen and not spend, spend, spend. This madness must stop and we must all come back to reality. We can't continue to spend what we do not have or what we falsely claim will have in the next 10 years. You know this is a bunch of garbage. It is time our elected officials put the country first over their own self-interest and their party. Country first is and should be the call of every elected official. What we have now and have since who knows when is party first, me first, friends and lobbyist first and then if anything left over the country. I am waiting for my elected officials to stand in front of the TV cameras and state, “Country First”.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
News Conference
If you watched the debate last night, you would have seen a reporter ask a question that got Obama a little ruffled. I guess without a teleprompter, President Teleprompter is lost. And yet that reporter was from CNN, a large Obama supporter during the campaign. How dare that reporter do this.
It is also interesting how this government wants to take control over everything a little at a time. Before you know it, the government will be in control of all business. Welcome to the world of socialism. For those who don’t think, this was tried in the Soviet Uniln and is ongoing in Cuba and Venezuela We know how well Cuba is doing, Venezuela is sure to follow and the Soviet Union Collapsed. Will we be far behind?
It is also interesting how this government wants to take control over everything a little at a time. Before you know it, the government will be in control of all business. Welcome to the world of socialism. For those who don’t think, this was tried in the Soviet Uniln and is ongoing in Cuba and Venezuela We know how well Cuba is doing, Venezuela is sure to follow and the Soviet Union Collapsed. Will we be far behind?
Monday, March 23, 2009
Barney claims Scalia is homophobic
Did we expect Frank to say anything other than that. Obviously he only believes in a persons moral values as long as they are consistant with his. He is just jealous because Scalia is just a straight guy and finds the lifestyle of Frank morally corrupt to go with Frank's political corruptness. Besides everytime Frank opens his mouth his "friends" get excited.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Promises, Promises, Promises
Promises, promises, promises, when will the voter learn that you do not vote for someone because of his looks, his use of language and how he presents himself. Vote on ability to get the job done not on fancy rhetoric. Vote on experience that this president does not have and it shows big time. He is obviously manipulated by the Chicago click in his administration as well as the real president, Nancy Pelosi. Anyway we have to live like this for 4 years. God have mercy on this country. Start sending the tab on tea bags to your Congressional representatives and the White House.
Again for those who voted for change here is what you are getting. Massive spending at unheard of levels for political paybacks; transparency that we are not seeing as a number items are done in secret; we were promised that there would be no lobbyist in my government. What a joke since at least 35 of his appointees are lobbyist or former lobbyist. This president is ignoring what the Congressional Budget Office has said about this spending. What this president should have said during his campaign was that instead of creating 5 million jobs, I will do my best to make sure we lose 5 million jobs and bankrupt this country. This is not his money it is our money. Excuse me while I take time to listen to Rosetta Stone. I am trying to learn Chinese.
Again for those who voted for change here is what you are getting. Massive spending at unheard of levels for political paybacks; transparency that we are not seeing as a number items are done in secret; we were promised that there would be no lobbyist in my government. What a joke since at least 35 of his appointees are lobbyist or former lobbyist. This president is ignoring what the Congressional Budget Office has said about this spending. What this president should have said during his campaign was that instead of creating 5 million jobs, I will do my best to make sure we lose 5 million jobs and bankrupt this country. This is not his money it is our money. Excuse me while I take time to listen to Rosetta Stone. I am trying to learn Chinese.
Stimulus and the Budget
This president has indicated that he intends to move ahead with his massive spending programs arguing that the economy needs it even though the CBO has indicated otherwise. Well he acts like he has unlimited funds. I and most other Americans wish we had unlimited funds to use and have those who follow pay off my debt which is exactly what this president is doing. Enough is enough. Stop this spending madness. It is about time our elected officials stood up against this spending us into oblivion madness. Congress cannot even run government and we expect government to run businesses. Give me a break. Let the companies go in Chapter 11, 7, 13 or whatever other chapter they want. We should not be funding companies that could not run themselves. This is the taxpayers money not government to spend as they please because they think it may help them politically. If this continues, then we had better learn Chinese because that is who is going to own this country.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
AIG and Bonuses
It is amazing that Congress is in an uproar over AIG and $165 million dollar in bonuses when they did nothing about the $8 billion in earmarks in the recently passed spending package. Just where is the outrage over this? I think there is a difference between $165 million and $8 billion, at least when I went to school. Then again, the passing of the stimulus package proves that reading and writing is not a requirement to become a member of Congress. All you need to do is say Yea or Nay.
Not being reported in the liberal news media is the fact that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mack are going to be given bonuses to some employees. Now where is the outrage over this? Oh, I forgot, Barney Frank, Christopher Dodd and Charles Schumer who all benefited from political donations during their re-election campaigns protect them. Not that there is anything wrong with that. Duh.
Not being reported in the liberal news media is the fact that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mack are going to be given bonuses to some employees. Now where is the outrage over this? Oh, I forgot, Barney Frank, Christopher Dodd and Charles Schumer who all benefited from political donations during their re-election campaigns protect them. Not that there is anything wrong with that. Duh.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Unemployment and Mortgages
We hear so much about the unemployment rate at approximately 8 % and how dreadful it is. But nobody talks about 92% employment rate. The same can be said with the mortgage problems. Approximately, 92% of mortgages are being paid, but if you listen to our politicians you would think nobody is paying their mortgage. I would recommend that our politicians give all homeowners the same mortgage rate that Senator C. Dodd got, 4.5%. This should help most homeowners with their payments. Of course, the homeowners cannot offer anything as payback. Not to say that Senator C. Dodd did. And if you believe that, I have something to sell you.
The Economy
The fundamentals of the economy are very good. So said President Obama recently. Now I know that statement sounds familiar. Oh yeah, that is the same statement that Presidential candidate John McCain made during the campaign. Of course, being a Republican, he was maligned and ridiculed for such an outlandish statement. But since it came from Democratic President Obama, nobody blinked and commented that his assumptions are correct. Now we have yet to hear from the real President, Nancy Pelosi on what the economy is doing. But then again, with all the scare tactics that the Democrats employed to get their money packages passed, they can make such statements. They may even want to spend more money to further their own political aims. Wouldn’t it be nice if we all could just write out checks on our wants and not worry where the money is coming from to pay for it? Too bad we do not have taxpayers to pay for our needs.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
A Vote for Change? Promises, Promises, Promises
During his forever campaign, candidate Obama promised he would make sure there were no more earmarks in any bills. Now he has all kinds of excuses for not enforcing his promises like not all earmarks are bad. I guess President Pelosi told him what he can and cannot do. So those who voted for change, you are certainly going to get it except this change is just that the Democrats are in charge and not the Republicans. If you think you are going to get what you think you voted for, I know a bridge in Brooklyn for sale. Suckers!
James Carville and Rush
It seems that on the morning of 9/11 James Carville, a Democrat strategist made a statement to the news media that he hoped President Bush would fail. And then after the attacks, he requested that his remarks not be printed. Now Rush Limbaugh makes a statement that he hopes President Obama's social agenda fails and the Democrats and the liberal media make an issue about this. It only goes to show that when it comes to Democrats there is the double standard since we all know that Democrats can do no wrong.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Barney Frank, Chris Dodd and Charles Schumer
For those who are classified as the unaware or the citizen who doesn’t care, you should view the video on YouTube that was shown on FOX News last years. Of course, the mainstream media never mentioned this, but had to blame Pres. Bush for our economic dilemma, when it was really Congress failure to heed the warning signs. When we say Congress we also mean the Senate. Now in case you forgot, President Obama was a member of the Senate. But we cannot blame him or the other Democrats since that would not be right and unfair. Because we all know, Democrats can do no wrong even when they are ripping off the citizens. View this site.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Stimulus Overseer
I am so excited that President Obama has selected Vice-President Biden to oversee the Stimulus Package and has called him the “Sheriff”. This is interesting since VP Biden is also a big contributor to the earmarks in the Stimulus bill. As the commercial says “It is like the fox guarding the hen house”.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Tax Evaders
Well, another President Obama nomination has tax problems. Ron Kirk failed to pay some $10,000 in taxes. But just like a few other nominees, he will probably get an okay vote. After all, the Democrats control the votes. But it just goes to show the hypocrisy of the Obama Administration. And yet they want to push for an increase in taxes. I guess if you don’t pay taxes, an increase will not matter.
Cap & Trade Off
In case you are not listening to the news or are just stupid and don’t care, well there is a surprise waiting for you. Since the Democrats have the majority, they will be passing a Cap & Trade policy that will tax industries on their carbon emissions. Now, anyone with half a brain will know that all these industries will pass the cost onto the consumer so we will be spending more for our energy use. And it is well known in this economic downturn how much we all don’t mind spending more for energy. This is so we don’t add to global warming that many scientist doubt is actually happening, but we are just in a cycle that has occurred many times in the life of our planet. But we all know as of November 2008, the radical left have taken control of our country and we will have to live with their outrageous ideology. Now by this time next year we will all be directed to have a lung capacity test done so we can be taxed on the amount of oxygen we inhale and exhale. After all, we will be using up a necessary commodity. I also envision a H.G.E. tax. For those who don’t know what that is I will explain. H.E.G means Human Gas Emission Tax. Since we have been hearing how the emissions from cows are adding to global warming, the same can be said about H.G.E. Not only will there be a tax on H.G.E. but also on those gas producing food items that can contribute to the destruction of air quality. So, think about this and write your Congressman that you oppose the Cap & Trade policy.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Taxes, Oil and our Economy
It is interesting that under President Obama’s energy program according to M.I.T., we will see a significant rise in prices of fuel, electric bills, heating oil etc. just so the president can appease the far left even though most Americans will get screwed. But why does this not surprise us? Then again, we are moving to alternative sources of energy. Now according to most in the know, we are lucky to see 30% of our energy coming from alternative sources by 2030. So, while we continue to buy oil form Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Mexico and other countries and watch our money flow out of our country, we sit on all the energy we have off our shores, in Alaska and Colorado shale that we are not going to develop. We should be using our own money to purchase oil and natural gas from our sources and not foreign sources. I do believe we would see an increase in our economic situation and when alternative sources can meet our needs, we can cap our offshore wells. But that is so obvious why can’t our elected officials see this? Would it be because we are in political payback mode? Then again it is so obvious, we do not and cannot expect our political leaders to see the obvious that would benefit the citizens. I guess if we were all illegal, we would see a movement in this direction. What some will do to get themselves elected and their party in power.