Saturday, February 28, 2009
Government Spending
Can some one please tell me when was the last time Big Government Spending solved an economic crisis? People spending is what the economy needs. People purchasing products of all kinds puts money into the economy. Whether it is a meal, appliances, automobiles, house, home repairs etc. is what turns the economy around. More income in your pocket has always worked. Big Government Spending does not put money into your pocket, just takes it out to pay political favors.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Bloated Spending, Spending, Spending
Where is all this money for these great spending programs coming from. Are we going to be beholden to China for buying up all the paper we float out there to pay for these great spending programs. Don’t worry be happy for our great grandchildren will be paying these bills and most of us will not be living to watch. Sometimes age is a benefit. Little do the youths of today realize what is happening but they will when the bill comes due.
Homeland Security
This week has been very interesting for news. We learned that Phoenix Arizona is the 2nd largest kidnapping center in the world and this state has a large influx of illegal immigrants. Now what makes this interesting is the former governor of this state is now the Homeland Security Head. How secure do you feel now? But don’t worry, if you are illegal, you will get the benefits that all Americans enjoy without paying for them. And if you are a citizen, you will be paying for these benefits.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Stimulus Mortgage Refinancing
It is reported and verified that between 91% to 93% of homeowners are paying their mortgage. What a mistake they are making. We will see this Stimulus package give aid to those who have not been paying theirs. We all sympathize with those who lost their jobs and have difficulty making ends meet, but what about those where their eyes were bigger than their wallets? Or those that bought more than one home with the idea of flipping within a few months and then the market went south. We must be careful when we enter this unchartered territory that we are not providing assistance to those who have abused the system. But, then again we are entering the ‘sharing the wealth’ years. Boy, would I like to have some of Obama’s millions.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Gasoline and Stimulus
The oil refineries are cutting back production so they can raise the price of gasoline, increase their obscene profits and put extra burden on the already overwhelmed consumer. Something is rotten in Denmark. We will continue to drive less, not buy new automobiles and continue to bailout the auto industry forever because the consumer will not purchase new vehicles when the price of gasoline becomes obscene again as we continue to get ripped off. I don’t believe in government getting involved in industry of any type unless the public is being taken for a ride as is presently happening. Gasoline should be below $1.50 a gallon. Lower prices will help spur our economy in all areas. But I guess, we can just continue to put together a Stimulus package that we cannot afford and our great grandchildren will have to repay which is doubtful. This great country is heading down a path of no return. For those of us over 60 years of age, we are lucky since we will not see this great country’s demised at the hands of big spending socialist. Pouring money into a problem has never solved it. Pouring money into hands of the taxpayers will resolve our present fiscal crisis. Give us the money to spend and we will see a reverse of the ripple effect that has caused the downturn in our economic demise. Give the money to government to decide how to spend it and we will see political payoffs and no economic stimulus that many expect.
Monday, February 16, 2009
The Stimulus Vote We All Love
Some much for bipartisanship that President Obama promised during his campaign. The Republicans did not have any input in this Stimulus package and it was quickly passed without an opportunity for it to be read. Now we will have to wait and see just what was in this bill. Amazing that we are going to spend over $800 billion dollars and we really do not know what we are spending it on. Imagine if we did our personal budget this way. We would be filing for bankruptcy in a New York minute while creditors lined up at our door. The taxpayers will bear the burden for this bill and it will be passed on to our great-grandchildren. Meanwhile, our representatives will continue to get their salaries, free medical benefits and a pension that we can only dream about. I voted for representation not capitulation. How many of you wrote your representative who voted for this package not to vote for it. Now if you think this representative is actually representing you and not his political party or Lobbyist, I know a bridge in Brooklyn I can sell you.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Stimulus Vote
Would you buy a car without looking at models or prices? Would you buy clothes, a house, choose a vacation sight unseen? Well 435 Congressmen and 100 Senators just did that when voting for this Stimulus package. Not one elected representative read this bill before voting for the Stimulus package. You did not elect these people to represent you and not do their job. Voting for items sight unseen and unread is not why we sent them to Congress. Remember this when they come up for re-election next go-around. For an annual salary of approximately $170,000 you would expect them to do their job. I mean, give me this money and I could do the same thing. No experience necessary and no reading or educational skills required. In fact all you need to speak is Yea or Nay.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Stimulus Package again
Yesterday, President Obama was in Elkhart Indiana pushing for the passage of the Stimulus Package. He claims this package will help with jobs where in Elkhart there is high unemployment. Of course what President Obama has not told anyone is that he is not an advocate of “Drill Here, Drill Now”, and the fact that the unemployment in Elkhart is due to a decline in sale of RV’s and motor homes. By the way, Elkhart’s main industry is building RV’s and motor homes. So with high gas prices of the past summer and the possibility that these prices will return since as I mentioned, President Obama believes in alternative forms of energy, a low employment picture for Elkhart does not seem likely. Now alternative form of energy is energy we would all like to have, but in reality, in 30 years it might produce 20% of our energy needs. So for those in Elkhart Indiana, I say, I voted for the other guy. You wanted change, go find an RV or motor home that runs on cheap alternative energy.
For those who don’t know, the Stimulus Package includes a revision in how doctors due medical records and empowers the cabinet head of Health to force electronic record keeping and review how doctors do their jobs as well as the insurance the public has. Now what I would like to see is for me and all other citizens to have the same medical coverage that President Pelosi and Vice-President Reid have. After all, the taxpayers pay for their coverage. Now we know that will never happen. Therefore, maybe they should apply for coverage just as the taxpayer does. God forbid they actually come down to the peon level. If they are going to force socialize medicine on the public, they must be included in the mix. Isn’t that called spreading the wealth around or are they above that. Do as I say, but not as I do.
For those who don’t know, the Stimulus Package includes a revision in how doctors due medical records and empowers the cabinet head of Health to force electronic record keeping and review how doctors do their jobs as well as the insurance the public has. Now what I would like to see is for me and all other citizens to have the same medical coverage that President Pelosi and Vice-President Reid have. After all, the taxpayers pay for their coverage. Now we know that will never happen. Therefore, maybe they should apply for coverage just as the taxpayer does. God forbid they actually come down to the peon level. If they are going to force socialize medicine on the public, they must be included in the mix. Isn’t that called spreading the wealth around or are they above that. Do as I say, but not as I do.
Friday, February 6, 2009
It is nice to see President Obama finally admit that this stimulus package is really a spending bill. And we all know how well the government can spend money so wisely. What we need in a stimulus bill is for it to contain a reduction in Capital Gains taxes, corporate taxes and reduce payroll taxes so employees can actually see money in their hands when they get paid. Rest assured they would spend the money better than the government. This bill contains unnecessary government handouts in return for political favors from the election. That only stimulates these groups to continue political efforts to push programs and candidates at the taxpayers’ expense. But then again, that is what President Pelosi and Vice-President Reid want. Political power over benefit to the working person. And of course, the taxpayer may feel some benefit from this bill in the 4th year, which of course just happens to coincide with the next presidential election. Gee, I wonder who thought of that? This bill should be cut in half and just benefit the taxpayer and no one else or any organization.
By the way, if I do not pay my taxes this year, can some one nominate me for a position in the Obama Administration? Position does not matter since I know it will pay quite a sum.
By the way, if I do not pay my taxes this year, can some one nominate me for a position in the Obama Administration? Position does not matter since I know it will pay quite a sum.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Stimulus Package
It is interesting that Sen. Ben Nelson (D) from Washington hopes to see the Stimulus package trimmed down to $800 billion when most Americans would like to see it cut to less than half that amount. What we want is money going to those who will spend it, not some Congressional earmarks and pork. The politicans may call it by a different name, but pork is pork. Give me the money and I will spend it just like most other Americans or give me one of the $240,000 jobs that this money would create (4-5 million job claim) and I will share it with 8 other people. Spread the wealth like Obama wants to do.
Monday, February 2, 2009
The American people should look at the Stimulus package and they would realize that it is a bunch of earmarks and political paybacks. The only stimulus the taxpayer needs is not a $500 welfare check but a reduction in his income tax. I recommend that for the next 3-5 years all incomes be taxed at a rate of no more than 10%. This would give people money to spend and when people spend money the economy grows. Basic economics. Handouts do not work and this $815 billion Stimulus package is just another name for a handout.
It was interesting reading the paper this past weekend and I was amazed to discover that it pulished the reason President Obama has appointment more people than normally required is because he has no Administration Experience. DUH! Of course this was brought out in the campaign and was competely ignored by the liberal news media. But now we can talk about this since he is in the White House. Of course the 53% that voted for President Obama did not realize that what they actually were getting was President Pelosi and Vice-President Reid.